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Sense Of Creation – Forsaken Era 25 Jul 2013 | 01:55 am
Premessa: la recensione è stata scritta da Matteo, ho voluto pubblicarla per due motivi: primo per l’entusiasmo che mi ha trasmesso, secondo perchè concordo a pieno. Ammetto che questa recensione risu...
Arctic Monkeys – Do I Wanna Know? 20 Jun 2013 | 10:59 pm
Gli Arctic Monkeys, nonostante che superino di poco i 25 anni, hanno ormai all’attivo già 4 album e una ventina tra singoli ed EP. L’ultimo, uscito il 20 Giugno, si intitola ” Do I Wanna Know? “, e ri...
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FOO FIHTERS「Walk(PV)」の元ネタ 2 Oct 2011 | 04:18 am
デビュー16年目にして、全米NO1を獲得したFOO FIHTERS。その話題の新作『Wasting Light』に収録されている「Walk」。曲も良いのですが、映像の方もキれまくっています。そのPVなのですが、結構有名な映画のパロディとなっています。 元ネタとなっているのは、マイケル・ダグラス主演でカルト的な人気を博した「フォーリング・ダウン」です。PVと映画トレーラーを見ていただければ、すぐに...
02. Foo Fighters – Wasting Light #blogovision 20 Dec 2011 | 06:46 am
Dave Grohl is the man! Ένας από τους πιο respected τύπους στο σύγχρονο rock n’ roll, ένας πραγματικός οπαδός της μουσικής, ο πιο ακομπλεξάριστος rock star του σήμερα, μαζεύει τους υπόλοιπους Foo, κλεί...
Somewhere in a Nightmare 6 Apr 2012 | 07:32 am
When I awoke it was daylight, my surroundings had changed. My eyes flickered painfully towards the light streaming in from the broken window above me. It took a moment to catch my breath, as I sat up ...
Wasting Light [Deluxe Edition] (2011) - Foo Fighters 11 Mar 2012 | 05:49 am
Wasting Light [Deluxe Edition] (2011) - Foo Fighters In December last year the Foo Fighters managed to sell 110,000 tickets for two upcoming summer concerts at the National Bowl in Milton Keynes in l...
Waste Heat Recovery 22 Apr 2011 | 05:56 am
Many industrial processes generate large amounts of waste energy that simply pass out of plant stacks and into the atmosphere or are otherwise lost. Most industrial waste heat streams are liquid, ...
Bright Light Bright Light streams album online - listen 30 May 2012 | 11:44 pm
London-based singer songwriter Bright Light Bright Light is set to release one of 2012's best pop albums on 4 June 2012. Now streaming on Deezer, the music streaming service with 20million users acro...
The Heart Endures: Addicted to Attachment 13 Jul 2012 | 09:12 am
I sat reading this morning in the shadows of dawn, night ebbing away as light streamed into the window and onto the pages. In the next room lay my mat, my meditation seat, the window alter of candles ...
Wasting Light [Deluxe Edition] (2011) - Foo Fighters 11 Mar 2012 | 12:49 am
Wasting Light [Deluxe Edition] (2011) - Foo Fighters In December last year the Foo Fighters managed to sell 110,000 tickets for two upcoming summer concerts at the National Bowl in Milton Keynes in l...
Bond, Bourne and Bhai 24 Aug 2012 | 06:27 am
As the door swings dramatically open, light streams into the darkened room. A man in an impeccably tailored black suit turns on his toes and points his gun towards the dissolving blackness. “The name’...
digital snapshot 09 | spring style 2013 5 Apr 2013 | 10:20 pm
Maybe it’s the change of season or maybe it’s the abundance of natural light streaming through my small home but I am all about gold, white and bright this spring. I created a new digital snapshot of...