Most watch korean dramas related news are at:

Drama Search Engine 27 Jan 2010 | 11:28 pm
var timeout= 500;var closetimer=0;var ddmenuitem= 0;function mopen(id){mcancelclosetime();if(ddmenuitem) = 'hidden'; ddmenuitem = document.getElementById(id);
Movies 26 Jan 2009 | 12:42 am
"Dad Move It!" "I'm an Idiot, Your an Idiot" A Christmas Story (1983) Part III A Christmas Story (1983) Part X A Christmas Story - I cant put my arms down! A Christmas Story - Ralphie Snaps! A Christm...
More watch korean dramas related news:
Korea’s Street Food 17 Jan 2012 | 03:53 am
Korea’s Street Food A woman selling street food in downtown Seoul Photo credit: (c) Christian Oey ( If you watch Korean drama, you will surely see at least one scene of...
Kdrama! 6 Mar 2011 | 04:42 pm
6:58am, mon Woke up early today. I dont know why :/ Feel like an otaku/nerd. Been watching korean dramas lately non-stop heh. I'm done with personal taste and now im on U're beautiful, episode 8 :D...
Seoul Beauty 13 Nov 2011 | 03:38 pm
I think we here at EGS has made it known several times that we are fans of the korean culture. We just love watching korean dramas (the plot, the love story, the hot guys!), listening to korean music ...
Fashion King Korean Drama Official Wallpapers 28 Apr 2012 | 06:14 am
I haven’t been watching Korean dramas this past month because I’m low on disk space. Furthermore, I don’t want to watch k-dramas online anymore because my internet connection is quite slow so it takes...
Arang and the Magistrate 12 Oct 2012 | 12:21 pm
He’s back! Lee Jun Ki that is! After going to the military for two years, he would now star in the korean drama ‘Arang and the Magistrate’. I always watched Korean Drama that has Lee Jun Ki so I think...
my obsession ! 14 Nov 2012 | 10:50 pm
**warning : this will be a very long post. Every time I'm watching korean drama/movies mesti macam "wah bestnyer! I will go to Korea one day. For honeymoon perhaps". Yelah, sebab korean drama/movies ...
Dating in Korean Dramas 2 Jan 2013 | 12:05 pm
I have been watching Korean dramas for years and being Filipino, it’s somehow a way for me to learn about how different or how similar Korean culture is to my own culture. Attempting to find one’s lif...
Dia bayar tunai 18 Mar 2013 | 08:10 am
Recently I started watching Korean dramas *insert heart eyes emoticon* and Running Man. *insert ketawa mcm syaiton emoticon* Best hoi. I am going to start watching Japanese dramas soon. I need recom...
Korean Drama with Mommy 10 Dec 2012 | 07:16 am
Although I grew up with my Mom, it was just recently that we get to open up with each other. I guess what helped is that we get to watch Korean dramas together and from that we get to express how we f...
My Korean Drama Addiction 17 Jul 2013 | 06:27 pm
Yes, I admit, I am way addicted watching Korean dramas that sometimes I don’t go to bed until two in the morning. The worst was, when I was finishing my episodes and when my husband woke up to go to w...