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Vudu Arrives on Xbox 360, WD Devices 21 Dec 2011 | 02:00 pm
The Vudu movie service landed on two new hardware platforms this week, with the announcement that it will now be carried on Microsoft's Xbox 360 and Western Digital's WD TV media players. The...
Boxee Box Review on 14 Nov 2010 | 08:18 am
I received the D-Link Boxee Box yesterday, tested it out, and posted a thorough review on I like the product a lot; it completely blows the WD TV LIVE I have out of the water in all areas...
How to Cache Everything on the WD TV LIVE Due to a Slow Network 27 Oct 2010 | 05:23 am
This is a simple script I wrote to perform one-way sync to mirror my server’s media folder on my WD TV LIVE‘s external hard drive. I have to run such a script because the wifi-N signal in my TV cabine...
Hard Disk portatile Full HD con Port EthernetWestern Digital WD TV Live 12 Oct 2011 | 04:02 am
Specifiche prodotto Requisiti di sistema Hard-Disk portatile My Passport o un altro dispositivo di archiviazione USB con contenuti video o audio compatibili. Televisore ad alta definizione o standa...
Reviews: WD TV Live Plus 27 Aug 2011 | 05:06 am
In this post, I will review a recently acquired WD TV Live Plus purchased from Microcenter for around $100. The quest was to find a media player solution that could read media from network shares and...
How I Got My Western Digital TV Live to Work with Mac OS X Lion 24 Mar 2012 | 06:50 am
I recently purchased a WD TV Live so that I could watch .MP4 and .MKV files on my HD TV. Before, I was using my Xbox360 and using Connect360 to stream videos to my TV from my Apple MacBook Pro and whi...
Western Digital TV Live HD Home Media Player 24 Mar 2011 | 09:46 pm
DELIVERED FREE IN THE UK Product Summary Whether downloading or streaming your media, the choice is yours! Watch a full-HD, 1080p media on your big screen TV with the WD TV Live network-ready HD med...
Western Digital WD TV HD Media Player 20 Feb 2010 | 07:29 am
Western Digital HD Media Player / Media-Adapter Features: - HDTV HD Media Player (mit FULL HD – 1080p) - Anschlüsse: USB 2.0, HDMI 1.3, Digitaler Optischer Ausg. & AV out - Audio-Formate: MP3, WM.....
Western Digital “Crack The Code” Contest 29 Sep 2010 | 11:11 pm
Title: Western Digital “Crack The Code” Contest Prizes: Weekly Prize Week 1 - Apple iPod Nano Week 2 - Sony PSP2000 Week 3 - Western Digital Passport 640GB Week 4 - Canon IXus 130 Week 5 - WD TV Live...
Video-Thumbnails für WD TV Live erstellen 18 Jan 2010 | 11:35 am
Mein neues Spielzeug, der WD TV Live, kann Thumbnails (Vorschau-Bilder) zu einer Video-Datei anzeigen, wenn im selben Ordner eine jpg-Datei (am besten mit 120×180 Pixeln) mit dem selben Namen wie das ...