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If You Only Refurbish One Room 28 Feb 2012 | 01:54 am
The one single room you should focus on when refurbishing your house for sale is the kitchen. Give it a coat of paint, shiny new sink and fixtures, and take out any old appliances that won’t be includ...
What are House Buyers Looking For? 23 Feb 2012 | 10:49 am
Today’s buyers are looking for different things when they plan to buy a house. Be sure to mention anything that might be of interest to a variety of buyers when you make your listing. House Selling T...
More we buy houses dayton ohio related news:
Improvements and Renovations Help Sell Your Home 15 Oct 2010 | 10:40 am
Ohio House Buyers: When it comes to buying a house, most buyer are more inclined to buying houses that are in a great condition so that they can move in immediately. This means that they house has to ...
Taking Care of Business Before Selling Your House – We Buy Houses 30 Sep 2010 | 12:18 pm
Home Buyers Ohio: Selling a house is not a process that should be rushed because there are so many specifics to take care of. The exception is when you need to make a sale quick to avoid repossession,...
We Buy Houses that Look Clean 13 Aug 2010 | 06:06 am
Small things you can do to make a house cleaner to sell – Ohio Home Buyers: Is it any wonder that things that look good sell better? No doubt, this holds true even for houses. If you are considering s...
buying a house for cash 14 Oct 2011 | 12:19 pm
We buy houses throughout the Columbus Ohio area! Get a Cash offer for your Columbus House in 24 hours! Sell your Columbus Home Fast! We Buy Houses in Columbus Ohio!...
Episode #57 – The Cash Flow Generating Machine – Rob Gillespie 29 Jul 2013 | 01:30 am
Meet “Rob the House Guy” (aka Rob Gillespie) from Ohio! On this episode, we talk about… How Rob started buying houses when he was 22 years old (and all the mistakes that came with that) How “real est...
Map shows influence of parties on elections 20 May 2012 | 12:00 pm
Thanks to some creative map-drawing last summer, two Republicans from the small suburb of Clayton could wind up representing nearly a quarter of a million Dayton-area residents in the Ohio House of Re...
Who Are Those People that Buy Ugly Houses? 20 Feb 2012 | 04:58 am
The people that buy ‘ugly houses’ are real estate investors looking to build their real estate holdings to add to their net worth. You can sell to them for a quick and hassle free sale. Belmont Ohio ...
Organize Your House for Sale 5 Jan 2012 | 02:20 am
Arrange your closets, drawers, shelves, and cabinets in a way that portrays you as a homeowner who is organized and ready for buyers to come and see your house. Ohio Real Estate – Englewood House Buy...
Buying a House Together – Three Hours A Part 14 Aug 2013 | 11:41 pm
Duo Sarah and Jason had to move from Indiana to Columbus, Ohio, for work. Problem was, they didn’t know anyone in their new city – so they had to hit the ground running fast and figure out where to...
Investor Buys $30 Million Senior Housing Complex at Fraction of Cost 26 Aug 2013 | 12:16 am
An investor who specializes in distressed real estate recently bought an unfinished senior housing complex in Hilliard, Ohio for a fraction of what it cost former owner Erickson Retirement Communities...