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More weather in venice italy october related news:
Beaded Bracelet Patterns: Finds in Venice 4 Nov 2011 | 09:56 pm
I was on holiday in Italy in October. I said I wouldn’t do or think about work…leaving Beaded Bracelet Patterns behind for 2 weeks…and just relax. Well, in Venice I just couldn’t resist. Seeing all th...
Beaded Bracelet Patterns: Finds in Venice 4 Nov 2011 | 05:56 pm
ShareTweet I was on holiday in Italy in October. I said I wouldn’t do or think about work…leaving Beaded Bracelet Patterns behind for 2 weeks…and just relax. Well, in Venice I just couldn’t resist. S...
Tourists swim in Venice square as heavy rain pounds Italy 12 Nov 2012 | 07:17 pm
Nearly three quarters of Venice was flooded on Monday and tourists swam in St Mark’s Square as a wave of bad weather swept through northern and central Italy, forcing the evacuation of 200 people from...