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More web desktop source related news:
LazyDroid web desktop para Android 11 May 2011 | 10:54 am
Esta es una de las aplicaciones que al usarlas hace que te caigas de culo (perdón por decir culo, culo no se dice). LazyDesktop es una aplicación que al iniciarla levanta un web server en el telefono...
Facebook roundup: Opera, Dubai, friend lists, Pinterest, more 26 May 2012 | 03:01 pm
Facebook to buy Opera browser? – Facebook is reportedly interested in purchasing Opera Software, which operates a desktop and mobile browser. and The Next Web have sources saying Opera...
Cómo crear un usuario en GlotPress 13 May 2012 | 06:49 am
GlotPress es un herramienta web open-source de traducción desarrollada por WordPress. Por defecto no incorpora ninguna gestión de usuarios. Solo se crea un usuario durante la instalación y es el admi...
eyeOS in Punjabi 24 Sep 2010 | 04:41 pm
EyeOS-Cloud Computing eyeOS is an open source web desktop following the cloud computing concept that leverages collaboration and communication among users. It is mainly written in PHP, XML, and J...
Mobile Devices: 23% of media time but only 1% of advertising budgets 13 Mar 2012 | 02:30 am
Television was the number one media in the United States in time spent (40%) in 2011, followed by Mobile and the Web (desktop), with 23 and 22% of media time, respectively. Radio and Print come far be...
Web Desktop Demo using jQuery UI 25 May 2012 | 01:55 pm
First, let see the screenshot. You can try the demo here, later i will add more details about it. If you find it interesting or have any suggestion please leave me a comment. In this demo i’m using: j...
7 conseils pour développer une application Web mobile 14 Apr 2009 | 01:25 pm
Source : JdN Développeurs Date : 1 avril 2009 Auteur : Frédéric de Villamil Support fonctionnel limité, bande passante… Concevoir une bonne application mobile ne va pas sans contraintes. Le point sur ...
Flash Builder 4.5 Launched for PHP Development 11 Aug 2011 | 07:50 pm
The PHP distribution company Zend Technologies and Adobe Systems combined to launch Flash Builder 4.5. It would help PHP developers to create rich Internet applications for Web, desktop and mobile usi...
16 Free Useful Web Icons Source, Siap Untuk di Download 30 Aug 2010 | 04:53 am
Selamat malam teman-teman semua, semoga masih dalam keadaan sehat semua ya,,amin. Sambil menanti sahur yang tinggal beberapa jam lagi, ane mau sharing dulu ke teman teman semua 16 situs untuk download...
Take the EERE Web Site Customer Survey 28 Oct 2010 | 05:01 pm
DOE’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) is offering a brief survey about the EERE Web site. Source: