Most web version related news are at:

回憶2012外遊篇:首爾/釜山篇(下) (1.11.2012-6.11.2012) 4 May 2013 | 11:38 am
終於寫到紅葉了... 不論賞櫻花、賞紅葉都講緣份, 講天氣 這次到首爾有點失預算, 紅葉還沒有滿開, 大部份還在變色中 這樣也好, 下次我有大大個理由再飛賞葉囉! :P 首爾賞紅葉的地方還不少...我們去了南山、景福宮、德壽宮還有梨花大學賞紅葉 是不是外國的月亮特別圓呢, 總覺得人家的園藝做得好好 林木的搭配很有層次, 很和諧, 誰也不搶誰的鋒頭 不像香港, 是很致力綠化, 很多樹, 但很雜亂...
回憶2012外遊篇:首爾/釜山篇(中) (1.11.2012-6.11.2012) 21 Apr 2013 | 09:04 am
上回提到同行友人是跑娛樂, 每年釜山電影節她來說都是大事 因此這次釜山行是她提議的... 香港有直航機到釜山, 但我們買的特價機票不包釜山入首爾出 到達首爾後, 我們坐機場快線到首爾站轉乘KTX到釜山 由於當天是乘坐凌晨機到首爾, 所以中途兩三小時轉車正好讓我好好的補眠一下 大概一個半小時我們到了釜山, 之後再轉乘地鐵到民宿 釜山海雲台 本來經過大半天轉車再轉車, 人已經倦到沒有靈魂......
More web version related news:
Web Version of Apple iPhone 4 created with CSS3 Only, No Image used 20 Mar 2012 | 10:30 pm
Apple is talking about the retina display and magical experience of iOS products like iPhone and iPad. But the magical experience crafted by Vasiliy Zubach is amazing as he created Apple iPhone 4 disp...
How to style default Joomla! 1.5 Pagination with CSS 23 Apr 2011 | 01:00 pm
Most of the sites we design have plenty of fancy elements, but we always end up with a simple or unstyled page navigation list. The PSD always looks unique, but the web version falls short of the desi...
MàJ du site web: Version 6.0 12 Sep 2011 | 01:10 am
La version 6.0 du site internet a la particularité de changer de graphisme 1 jour sur 2.
Housing & Development Board (HDB) 13 Jul 2010 | 04:04 am
Megapixel supported a creative agency by creating a web version of HDB’s Annual Report. One challenging task of this project was the creation of the animations by javascript, instead of Flash, due to...
National Library Board 13 Jul 2010 | 04:01 am
2007: Megapixel supported a creative agency in this project by creating the web version of the National Library Board’s Annual Report based on the client’s requirements. Actual URL: http://www.nlb.g...
Nvidia launches Tegra the Web version of Zone for Android 16 Sep 2011 | 01:25 am
Recently, Nvidia has disclosed the Web version of Tegra Zone to provide superior comfort for the application based on the Android System. The market is divided basically into five different sections: ...
Xee Bee Reloaded at Blackberry AppWorld 10 Dec 2011 | 04:51 am
A new version of my favourite game: Xee Bee Features new graphics, 2 new planes, a full new engine, new gameplay (a lot more intiuitive) and more! Stay tuned, the web version will be released soo...
Download instaForex for blackberry 24 Oct 2011 | 06:33 am
Instaforex Mobile Trading terminal allows you to control your accounts by the blackberry or smartphone. InstaForex announced Blackberry, Android and Web versions of InstaForex trading terminal. Now yo...
Welcome To The Web: Version 3.0 26 Mar 2011 | 05:51 am
As much as the title of this article looks like a pathetic excuse for attention – it’s not. I’ve spent the last several months reading, taking notes, researching and following several “authority” fig...