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GUIDA MODIFICA PS3 5 Nov 2010 | 12:57 am
:: Cosa è il PS-Jailbreak? Il PS-Jailbreak è un piccolo dispositivo (dongle) da collegare via USB alla PlayStation 3 che “trasforma” la console in una sorta di unità di debug (Dev-Mode) utilizzata da...
Rails 3.2 RC1: Faster dev mode & routing, explain queries, tagged logger, store 20 Dec 2011 | 05:46 am
Once you’ve boarded the Rails train, you just know that every stop along the way is going to be a good time. This release candidate is no different and we’ve packed it with loving goodies without maki...
Rails 3.2.0: Faster dev mode & routing, explain queries, tagged logger, store 20 Jan 2012 | 10:22 pm
So we didn’t quite make the December release date as we intended, but hey, why break a good tradition and start hitting release targets now! In any case, your patience has been worldly rewarded young ...
Dev Mode Helper for BlackBerry 10 released 13 Aug 2013 | 06:00 pm
We have released a brand new application for BlacklBerry® 10 Smartphones: Dev Mode Helper! This handy, free application is the perfect tool for any BlackBerry® 10 developer. With this app you can quic...
Android Dev Phone 1 Button Combinations 19 Jan 2009 | 02:30 pm
The following are the ADP1 / G1 button combinations for booting in various modes. Regular mode: Power button Fastboot mode: Power on with Camera + Power button. Wait until Android on skateboard imag...
Une vidéo du multijoueurs de Far Cry 3 16 Apr 2012 | 06:04 am
Le jeu Far Cry 3 fait de plus en plus envie et voici qu’une vidéo de présentation du mode multijoueurs vient d’être postée sur Youtube. Faisons donc maintenant le tour de ce mode multijoueurs qui dev...
Fix WP7 Dev Tools Install Issue: Setup cannot be run in Program Compatibility Mode 4 Oct 2010 | 10:59 am
I had VS2010 running while installing developer tools for Windows Phone 7, so I had to exit setup, close VS2010, and rerun vm_web.exe. But it gave following error: Visual Studio setup cannot run in c...
Early Metro-Style Chrome Comes to Windows 8 14 Jun 2012 | 12:47 am
As promised, Google this week released a new version of Chrome for its dev channel that adds support for Windows 8 Metro mode. {jumi [scripts/rss_articleintro.php]}
Fix WP7 Dev Tools Install Issue: Setup cannot be run in Program Compatibility Mode 4 Oct 2010 | 06:59 am
I had VS2010 running while installing developer tools for Windows Phone 7, so I had to exit setup, close VS2010, and rerun vm_web.exe. But it gave following error: Visual Studio setup cannot run in co...
Rajout d'une saga 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
Bonsoir ! La saga 22ème tournoi viens d'être rajoutée dans son intégralité et avec des informations à jours dans l'astuce du Mode Histoire de la version 4 sur 2fighteur ! La saga Piccolo le démon dev...