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Flipping Websites – Adding Value to Earn the Highest Prices 21 Sep 2010 | 03:25 am
I have been buying and selling or “flipping” websites for over six years and in that time I have learned that adding or updating a few elements to a site can drastically increase its selling price. T...
SEO Services Company 19 Sep 2011 | 09:19 pm
Is The Latest Google Update Killing your Site? The latest Google updates are said to be designed to cut rankings for so called “low-quality” web sites or websites of low value adding value for users. ...
Why You Need to Have Videos on Your Website 27 Apr 2012 | 02:49 am
Adding videos to your blog and your business website can be a great way to share new information with your consumers. It’s a quick and easy way to make your business website more personal, valuable, a...
Welcome to our new website! 9 Nov 2007 | 01:00 pm
Dear valued customers, Please visit our new website to grab FREE treatment/ vouchers. Love from, Tini's spa
How To Add A Custom Header To Your Thesis Website 5 Nov 2009 | 05:38 am
Adding a masterhead into the header requires you to style two elements of your page: your #header div & the #logo element. Here’s the code you’ll need to add to your custom.css file: Additional Notes...
Sunday morning 29 Apr 2012 | 09:56 pm
Got up early today, started working on the website, added a bit of info about the team. Being sunday, there’s little activity on both Skype and other forums I hang round in, so I picked...
Review of Samsung Conquer 4G 16 Sep 2011 | 09:11 am
The 4G after the name of the Samsung Conquer have added value and cost to this smart phone. The 4 tag means it is compatible to the next generation networks. The specs of the Samsung Conquer 4G is abo...
Added value from the group 7 May 2012 | 08:00 pm
How have you added value to your job over time? 28 Aug 2009 | 09:21 am
There are many different ways that you can respond to this question. When answering this type of question it can be helpful to understand what the interviewer is hoping to gain from your response. Kee...
Adding Value As a Non-Technical No Talent Assclown 12 Mar 2012 | 12:41 pm
#sxsw #NonTech One of today’s most popular sessions was from Path VP of business Matt Van Horn. A Silicon Valley veteran, he gave hope to a standing room only crowd of aspiring entrepreneurs who are...