Most websites payment pro related news are at:

Facebook, Twitter API login using PHP 18 Jul 2011 | 07:31 pm
Facebook and Twitter have become large in the social network world and both networks offering oAuth support. We developed a system to login with Twitter and Facebook. This script helps you to avoid re...
Lowest Bid Auction Script V3 25 Apr 2011 | 04:51 am
Our Lowest Bid auction Script comes with following updates. Updated the design and layout of the site. Optimized code to cleanup with smoother and faster script. Use of ajax and jQuery. Auctions now h...
More websites payment pro related news:
Paypal Website Payments Pro (WPP) Payment Module 30 Jun 2010 | 08:54 am
So you are using the Paypal Website Payments Pro (WPP) Payment Module found here but you...
Paypal Website Payments Pro UK & US to Pre-order 6 Apr 2011 | 08:33 am
Updated 21-Apr-2011: Paypal Website Payments Pro for UK, US, Canada and other countries released! Grab your own copy today to improve your business conversion rates. BUY NOW The first version of Pay...
Paypal Website Payment Pro Module (UK & US) – Free Prestashop Module 23 Dec 2009 | 10:57 am
Website Payments Pro allows you to accept payment directly on your website or by phone, fax and mail. Customers can pay you with all major debit and credit cards as well as PayPal balance and bank tra...
PayPal Website Payments Pro for Australian Businesses 6 Oct 2010 | 09:47 am
According to the PayPal support person I spoke to earlier this week PayPal is planning to make their Website Payments Pro service available to Australian businesses at the end of year. PayPal Website...
PayPal Website Payments Pro for Australian Businesses 6 Oct 2010 | 05:47 am
According to the PayPal support person I spoke to earlier this week PayPal is planning to make their Website Payments Pro service available to Australian businesses at the end of year. PayPal Website...
How to start your own online store without hiring a webmaster 10 Nov 2010 | 04:18 pm
Hi there follow business owner, do you have the goods to sell and plan to launch your website to sell them online? If so, then you might be not really sure and even concerned about online payments pro...
PayPal账户类型介绍 23 Apr 2012 | 04:17 am
个人账户 适用于仅在线购物的用户 - 使用信用卡或PayPal余额,在eBay和其他商家网站上进行购物。 高级账户 适用于以个人名义在线购物或在线销售的用户 - 使用信用卡或PayPal余额,在eBay或其他商家网站上进行购物; – 可使用网站付款标准版(Website Payment Standard),快速结帐(Express Checkout)等集成工具以及集中付款功能,帮助 商家提升...
Clean Creative Design 22 Jan 2012 | 10:26 pm
Cre8tive Burst is the first fully developed and designed theme by EightCrazy Designs that is being added to the Studiopress MarketPlace. We can see this theme being used for business websites or pro b...
PS 1.4 paypal website pro 27 Sep 2011 | 05:26 pm
Paypal website paiement pro Paypal offre une gamme variée de services de paiement en ligne. Vous pouvez faire des achats, recevoir des paiements, ou envoyer et recevoir de l’argent. Pour un commerça...
Really understand my brand 14 Jul 2011 | 08:56 am
Redesign helped my firm undergo a re-branding exercise which produced fantastic results. They took the time and trouble to really understand my “brand”. They have also helped design my website and pro...