Most weird and wild creatures related news are at:

Not So Weird ‘N Wild… 17 Dec 2011 | 11:12 am
More cute and snuggly, really. Still, I couldn’t resist passing along this story to you all about a baby seal that entered a New Zelander’s home and made itself comfy, including taking a nap … What wo...
Blue-Footed Boobies 3 Dec 2011 | 06:25 am
While there are plenty of boobies (seabirds from the genus Sula) in the world, these blue-footed boobies live off the coasts of Central and South America, and, most famously, on the Galapagos Islands....
More weird and wild creatures related news:
Love for Lorises 13 Sep 2011 | 08:06 am
True confession: We here at Weird and Wild Creatures are totally, madly, can’t-stop-watching-these-videos in love with the slow loris. But what is the slow loris, you might ask? Well, let us introduc...
A Safari In Africa Offers Unforgettable Adventures 11 Mar 2012 | 01:17 pm
A choose few sights in the world are synonymous with adventure, and one among these sights is a safari in Africa on the plains crammed with wild creatures. Folks have visions of the herds of elephants...
Madagascar 17 May 2012 | 06:06 am
Overview of Madagascar The load up associated with not-so-wild creatures encounter a few severe lifestyle surprise once they proceed through ny towards the Great New world with this computer-anima...
Wild Creature 3 May 2009 | 07:09 am
The feelings they have abated and the plans been left unplanned. The dirty mist has lifted and I am turning away from it. Away because, because for now I don’t want to think about it. I don’t want to ...
The Vulture 30 Mar 2009 | 10:15 pm
Its coming down, I am lost. Again. False smiles. Underworld. Dead meat. Suicide motel. Today I am a wild creature, and tomorrow I am lost again. Black swan. Forest fires. Dead wheels. Good times will ...
Amazing Animal Photos Nature 21 Aug 2011 | 09:16 am
Actually even professional wildlife photographers don't always take their winning photographs in the wild. Most of the wonderful pictures you see of wolves, polar bears and other wild creatures were t...
Actually Professional Wildlife Photographers 13 Apr 2011 | 05:59 pm
Actually even professional wildlife photographers don't always take their winning photographs in the wild. Most of the wonderful pictures you see of wolves, polar bears and other wild creatures were t...
Frenzy Count Down and Some!!! 19 May 2009 | 04:02 am
TWO days and counting until normal men turn into crazy freakish wild creatures roaming the hills of ID and MT in search of big trout and crazy fun... It is 6 days of pure Man-cation enjoyment at its f...
Not So Weird ‘N Wild… 17 Dec 2011 | 11:12 am
More cute and snuggly, really. Still, I couldn’t resist passing along this story to you all about a baby seal that entered a New Zelander’s home and made itself comfy, including taking a nap … What wo...