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Wellesley author shares story of Afghan girl’s quest for education 27 Aug 2013 | 03:02 pm
Razia’s Ray of Hope, a picture book geared towards ages 8 -11, by Wellesley resident Elizabeth Suneby and illustrated by Suana Verelst, tells about the journey one Afghan girl undertakes to gain admis...
Wellesley Boy/Girl Scout roundup on tap 27 Aug 2013 | 01:14 pm
From Wellesley Scouting: Wellesley Scouting wants you! Now is the time to join the fun and excitement of America’s foremost youth programs for boys and girls. With a variety of programs designed for...
More wellesley 2011 commencement speech related news:
You cannot win improv. [...] And like improv, you cannot win your life. 16 May 2013 | 08:20 am
Stephen Colbert 2011 Commencement Speech at Northwestern University Adding this to my long list of Quotes I Love, “You cannot win improv. [...] And like improv, you cannot win your life.” I love this ...
A homecoming — for someone who never left 26 Mar 2011 | 09:44 am
Commencement Speech, 63rd Commencement Exercises, UNC High School, March 26, 2011. I’M HONORED to address the 2011 Graduating Class of the University of Nueva Caceres in this most important occasion ...
debunking YOLO; 18 Jun 2012 | 04:15 am
From the Wellesley High School Commencement Speech; "Let me point out the illogic of that statement as you can and should live not merely once but everyday of your life. Rather than "You Only Live On...
Commencement Address at Delphi Academy 12 Jun 2011 | 08:12 pm
On June 11th, 2011, I was honored to address the graduating class at the Delphi Academy in Los Angeles. Here is the text of my speech. Good morning! It’s an amazing time to be a Delphi graduate. I a...