Most what is guava related news are at:

Social Networking Blues 31 Jan 2013 | 09:05 am
I confess I am not a good social networker. Actually, for a guy with multiple websites and networks of the social kind, I rather suck at it. And the stupid thing is that if I were any good at all, I...
Social Networking Blues 31 Jan 2013 | 09:05 am
I confess I am not a good social networker. Actually, for a guy with multiple websites and networks of the social kind, I rather suck at it. And the stupid thing is that if I were any good at all, I...
More what is guava related news:
Day Twenty-Eight of Adventures in Paradise! 27 Oct 2011 | 07:52 am
Surprisingly, the 9 hour 45 minute plane ride to Honolulu went very fast. We were served a pasta dinner on the flight and I had plenty of POG (Passion, Orange and Guava Juice). We took Hawaiian Airlin...
Google Guava V11 中的Cache操作 5 Apr 2012 | 07:46 pm
Google Guava cache的主要功能点: * 你需要给现有系统加速; * 有些key需要不知一次的查询获取; * 从策略上讲,你的应用需要从策略上把所有的value从cache中清理出来 — 你试图减少重复的工作;[注:weakKey , weakValue] * cache仅仅存储在内存中,没有在文件中或者其他的server上面,如果不满足你的需...
Manfaat Buah Jambu Biji (Jambu Klutuk) 28 Jan 2011 | 12:33 am
Dalam bahasa latin jambu ini artinya adalah Psidium Guajava. Bahasa Inggrisnya Guava. Kita sering mengenalnya jambu klutuk. Buah jambu biji ini sangat kaya vitamin C dan beberapa jenis mineral yang m...
TELOR PINDANG (BRAISED EGG) 23 Sep 2011 | 11:48 am
This style of braised eggs are common in this universe. Of course, every country cook it differently. In Indonesia, we braise it with a bunch of shallot's skin and guava leaves. But in China, they wil...
Ice pops- strawberry guava, with surprise cherries! 7 Jul 2011 | 11:13 am
Calorie Chart 23 Jun 2009 | 01:08 am
Estimated Calories in Some Food Items Fruits per 100 Grams Apple 56 Banana 153 Chickoo 94 Cherries 70 Dates 281 Guava 66 Black Grapes 45 Litchies 61 Mangoes 70 Orange 53 Papaya ...
More Nordstrom Exclusives: Laura Mercier Portable Beauty Collection and M.A.C. "Dazzle" Lipsticks 29 Jun 2010 | 03:43 am
Laura Mercier Portable Beauty Collection includes Eye Color Duo in sparkling Guava and Kir Royal, professional double-ended brush, cheek Color Duo in Rose Petal and Mauve Second Skin, double-ended Lip...
PINK GUAVA....elok ke?? 27 Dec 2010 | 02:47 am
Last week ada exhibition kat opis ABE... ada jual air pink guava cam gambar kat atas tue...... jual murah2 untuk staff....RM 20 je for 12 pcs... kira dalam 1 pc=RM 1.70 je la...... tadi KAK LANG t...
Jambu Biji Cegah Keriput dan Sembelit 15 Jan 2011 | 07:23 am ANDA akan takjub bila mengetahui bahwa jambu biji (Psidium guajava) atau sering disebut jambu klutuk atau guava ternyata memiliki kandungan vitamin C lebih tinggi daripada jeruk. Sela...
Rockstar werden war nicht schwer... 26 Oct 2011 | 10:51 pm
Nachdem ich Post von den Theinsiders bekam, das schwere Paket nach oben geschleppt und geöffnet hatte: 24 Dosen Rockstar in den Geschmacksrichtungen Punched Guava, Energy Drink Original, Recovery wu...