Most what is whm related news are at:

Web Hosting for Non-Technical People: Hacked! 16 Aug 2013 | 08:47 pm
Over the weekend, my wife got a phone call from her parents telling her that her web site wasn’t working. When asked for clarification, her parents said that “Google has a big warning sign up where yo...
Jelastic 1.9.2 Is Here, and It’s Awesome 14 Aug 2013 | 08:23 pm
ServInt just rolled out a massive, free upgrade for all its Jelastic customers: version 1.9.2. This upgrade has a long list of new features that will make a great product even better, but here are jus...
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Welcome to MainVista 2 Dec 2008 | 06:43 pm
Free cPanel Hosting No ADS! 50MB - 2000MB Space, 5000MB-60000MB Bandwidth, Fantastico, cPanel, No Ads & more Affordable WHM Reseller Hosting 2GB Space, 40GB Bandwidth, Unlimited Features, MySQL, Fa...
cPanel Hosting and WHM Reseller Hosting 8 Jun 2011 | 02:23 pm
cPanel Web Hosting and WHM Reseller Hosting AUSWEB Web Hosting Australia offers solid Cloud Hosting for Australian Businesses Whether you're just getting started with your first website or happen to...
Hostgator VPS Hosting Level 2 27 Feb 2012 | 02:42 am
Price Plan: First Month $23.96* Recurring $29.95 Additional Features: cPanel with WHM Control Panel (Optional) Network Security (Multiple Layers) Backups automatically on weekly basis (Off site)
Reseller Web Hosting | WHM/cPanel Hosting | LiteSpeed Reseller Hosting 24 Oct 2011 | 08:14 am
Do you want to start your own web hosting business? Or you will like to host multiple websites under budget. Our Reseller web solutions featuring cPanel & WHM, are just what you are looking for. Res...
Service: [exim] has been disabled by the sys admin 26 Apr 2012 | 05:23 pm
Trying to restart exim on the cPanel server issues as mentioned above. This issue arises as the exim service is disabled in WHM>> Service Manager >> Exim. So if you face the above error login to the...
5 Domain Unlimited Hosting $7.99/Year, Unlimited Domains $25.99/Year 23 Apr 2011 | 06:11 am
Hosting Includes 99.9% Uptime, RV Site Builder, Fantastico Deluxe Scripts, Softaculous Auto Script Installer, Ruby On Rails, Ruby Gems, Virus Scanner, WHM cPanel w/ZamFoo 7.1, CGI, Perl, PHP 5, cURL &...
Konto hostingowe WHM 23 Apr 2012 | 07:32 am
Konfiguracja konta hostingowego WHM (Web Host Manager) Przedstawiam poszczególne kroki konfiguracji konta hostingowego w programie Host Then Profits. Kliknij w link:
Green hosting Your Way to Healthy Living 27 Jan 2012 | 06:10 pm
Green Website Hosting Green Hosting Plans WHM Tutorials For those who are starting a new business in the areas where the service is hard to get must consider to go for green hosting. The charges fo...
cPanel/WHM migration 12 Feb 2011 | 04:44 pm
Yesterday I have moved my dedicated server to VPS. cPanel has a great feature that copies user from another cPanel server. All of my accounts except 1 account have been moved successfully with via the...
How to remove particular IP from cphulk bruteforce database 22 Apr 2012 | 05:42 am
UK-Fully Managed Web Hosting When your IP got blocked in cphulk database you can not remove it from WHM as cPanel has not offer this feature yet. You will have to flush cphulk database for this but t...