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3D TV Doesn’t Work With Our Brains 25 Jan 2011 | 08:52 pm
There are certain things that shouldn’t cost so much. I wouldn’t mind spending on a nice watch, a nice wallet, a nice whatever. But a TV at KD1500+ is just not worth buying. Some might argue that TVs ...
Promises Promises 19 Jan 2011 | 10:37 pm
SO! We wanted to attend at least 2 shows in New York, Broadway shows, plays, musicals, call them what you call them, we wanted 2. Why 2? Well simply coz we had lots of things to see, lots of places to...
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Akhirnya Balik ke Kaskus Old 21 Apr 2012 | 12:58 pm
Beberapa minggu yang lalu, aku iseng mengubah email dan password di akun – niatnya sih pengen nyicipin versi betanya kaskus-, begitu udah diupdate.. jeng jeng… tampilannya kaskus berubah jad...
WhatsApp Messenger se actualiza con más estabilidad y seguridad, aplicaciones en Android y contactos 9 May 2012 | 09:42 am
Las aplicaciones suelen actualizarse cada semana, y hasta cada pocos días, y más las que pueden poner en peligro nuestra seguridad y privacidad. Este es el caso de WhatsApp, una app de la que continu...
Приложение WatsApp не умеет хранить секреты 14 May 2012 | 08:52 pm
Специалисты G Data SecurityLab обнаружили уязвимость в популярном приложении для обмена сообщениями WhatsApp на Android-телефонах, которое снискало популярность во всем мире в качестве замены sms....
$15 Million Billionaire’s Superyacht Controlled by ipad 20 Apr 2012 | 12:25 am
What can an ipad do? Play angry bird? Facebook? Whatsapp? Even can controlled a $15 million superyacht!? That’s insane! Check out how they did it. Built by yacht designer John Shuttleworth in China, a...
Selamat Tahun Baru Hijriyah 1 Muharram 1432 H 8 Dec 2010 | 06:00 am
Bulan Muharram bagi umat Islam dimaknai sebagai bulan hijrahnya Nabi Muhammad saw, dari Mekah ke Madinah. Oleh karena itu, inti dari peringatan tahun baru Hijriyah adalah soal perubahan, mari kita jad...
iMessage Announced as a BBM Clone – Going After the Expensive Text Messages and WhatsApp 7 Jun 2011 | 06:28 am
Apple’s WWDC 2011 is going on right now and iOS5 is being announced and demoed. One feature in particular that I am interested in is iMessage. iMessage looks to be Apple’s version of BlackBerry Messe...
WhatsApp V2.6.3 para Nokia X6, C6, C5-03, 5800, 5530, 5230 29 Aug 2011 | 03:54 pm
New version of this successful application of messaging, called WhatsApp, probably already all have this application on your Nokia 5800 XpressMusic, Nokia 5530, 5230, 5233, Nokia X 6, C6, C5-03, N97, ...
Znowu na Meissner 13 Aug 2010 | 09:45 pm
Przyjechałem do Niemiec i od razu jadę na Meissner dłuższą trasą. Podjazd długości ok 11km, łącznie ze zjazdami, ale za to na samym początku podjazd kilkusetmetrowy o nachyleniu 15%. Trasa Grossalmero...
Come nascondere un contatto su WhatsApp 10 Jan 2012 | 08:49 am
In questo breve post vediamo come fare a nascondere un contatto dalla rubrica di WhatsApp (Contatti di WhatsApp). Potrebbe capitarvi infatti di avere nella vostra rubrica alcuni numeri di amici che ...
самая новая версия оперы opera mini free 6 Feb 2012 | 11:55 am
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