Most whines related news are at:
All In One 24 Aug 2013 | 02:36 am
French onion soup with fresh thyme and gruyère cheese, coconut crȇpe wrapped around halibut delicately poached in truffle butter, forest foraged ramp risotto topped with prosciutto and dusted with fre...
Meat 22 Aug 2013 | 02:35 pm
Sweet Jesus. Yes please! Via Present & Correct
More whines related news:
Things Will Get Better, I Promise 24 May 2012 | 01:46 pm
I’m not surprised to see the amount of people focused on Google and the Penguin update. It’s like this every year, it seems. People whining, bitching and moaning and using it all as an excuse to not g...
Enable URL autofill in Firefox 23 Jan 2012 | 08:52 am
A little thing that bugs me about Firefox is that when you start typing an URL in the address bar there is no autofill: However, Mozilla have again predicted that I and other people will whine about t...
Scorched Earth: The gift that keeps on giving. 7 May 2012 | 09:56 pm
“Hulkageddon is dead” “There’s no way it’ll happen again” “It’s old and stale and it’ll never be a success” Oh ye of little faith! All these things (along with the usual whines) can be read on the ...
I feel crap… 17 Dec 2010 | 11:25 am
I’ve got a much longer post in the making about returning to work and all that jazz, but right now I just need to whine. The other post doesn’t portray much of how I’m really feeling. It is about reco...
LFW AW11: Louise Gray, or sunshine for your Sunday 20 Feb 2011 | 11:34 pm
After whining away yesterday that I had oh so much on my plate and wouldn't be posting so regularly for a while, along comes Louise Gray with a collection that is the sartorial equivalent of a good ki...
on nervousness 2 29 May 2011 | 11:53 am
whining at the door of ridiculous requests hoping that the rash is not related stuttering on an explanation with no question blabbering on about herbs and balloons the century that can shatte...
363 12 Jul 2009 | 03:47 am
My last post here was 363 days ago. In my defense, I haven't played a lot of poker in those 363 days. I finally stopped whining about how sick of poker I was and got a job on Wall St. in February. And...
Blarg! 21 Oct 2005 | 03:18 pm
Its my blog, I can whine a little. I just played a Cruise Step 4. I started by doubling up with KK. Then, all downhill. I lost TT to KQ, all-in preflop. I lost KK to 99, all-in preflop. I stole blind...
Fuckwittage 12 Sep 2011 | 06:17 am
This is a rant. You have been warned. Don’t go any further. Okay, if you must. So here goes: 2011 has been the mother of all disappointments. Whining comes very naturally to me now (take this pos...
Mobile navigation jquery plugin 25 Oct 2011 | 12:39 am
Some people like to bitch and whine about a responsive web approach, others embrace it. I can’t blame them, they probably still use ajax to replace iframes… If you’re anti respsonsive you better stop...