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WordPress Multisite Nginx 的伪静态(Rewrite)规则 28 Oct 2011 | 03:44 pm

  WordPress是一个注重美学、易用性和网络标准的个人信息发布平台。WordPress 虽为免费的开源软件,但其价值是无法用金钱来衡量。使用WordPress可以搭建功能强大的网络信息发布平台,但更多...

Discuz!X Nginx 的伪静态(Rewrite)规则 25 Oct 2011 | 03:09 pm

Discuz!X是康盛创想(Comsenz)推出的一个以社区为基础的专业建站平台,让论坛(BBS)、个人空间(SNS)、门户(Portal)、群组(Group)、应用开放平台(Open Platform)充分融合于一体,帮助网站...

Nginx WordPress Mu FastCgi_Cache Conf Rewrites 2 Sep 2009 | 05:17 pm

Nginx fastcgi cache with php-fpm can be a super fast of serving WordPress Mu. Nginx WordPress Mu FastCgi_Cache Conf Rewrites are an interesting thing to get set up because of the cookie situation. Yo...

mod rewrite nginx di drupal dan joomla 28 May 2011 | 04:04 am

akhirnya ketemu juga gmana buat mod rewrite untuk joomla dan drupal, langsung aja script ini nantinya di tambahkan dan disesuaikan di nginx.conf pada intinya cuma penambahan ini aja ok semoga berman...

mod rewrite nginx untuk wordpress 28 May 2011 | 03:42 am

tambahkan script berikut di nginx.conf setelah itu restart servicenya

Nginx rewrite config for ArticleLive 11 Jul 2007 | 11:53 am

Nginx rewrite rules for ArticleLive:

Running XtraUpload Under Nginx 3 Jul 2007 | 06:50 am

Nginx rewrite rules for XtraUpload:

Nginx + CodeIgniter Rewrite 21 May 2010 | 03:40 pm

location / { if (!-e $request_filename) { rewrite ^/(.*)$ /index.php?/$1 last; } }

Www/no-www rewrite rules for nginx 22 Jul 2010 | 04:14 pm

There are many ways to rewrite www urls to their non-www versions in nginx. Here one that’s Igor-approved and works well on my setup : WWW to Non-WWW: Non-WWW to WWW: Related posts: Enable directo...

ThinkSAAS Nginx 的伪静态(Rewrite)规则 21 Jun 2012 | 10:37 am

ThinkSAAS是一个轻量级的开源社区系统,是一个可以用来搭建讨论组,bbs和圈子的社区系统。 江阴人就是采用的ThinkSAAS程序。 把下面代码存为thinksaas.conf,然后在域名配置文件(中嵌入(in...

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