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No Way 2 Sep 2009 | 07:57 am
There is no way that Koenigsegg is buying Saab. Really? No, there is no way. For Alison's sake, they sold 19 each day during August. That's during the cash for clunkers sale no less. Saab is dead. GM ...
An Alternative It Is 26 Aug 2009 | 08:55 pm
Idea maybe for a new blog, hmm? Yes? OK, enough of the Yoda talk. Can you imagine if more people did this rather than driving? 42 bikes in one car spot. Referenced articles gizmodo: How Many Folding B...
More who owns saab related news:
Berliner Autoimpressionen: Saab 99L 13 Sep 2010 | 11:52 pm
Saab 99L Vor ein paar Tagen fand ich dieses Stück schwedischer Geschichte. Die 99er Baureihe von Saab wurde von 1968 bis 1984 produziert. Der hier abgebildete Saab 99 ist vor 1981 gebaut worden.
Video: Vaata, millised emotsioonid saab kaasa tantsutähtede kleitidega! 6 Dec 2011 | 05:16 am
Pühapäeval, kohe pärast finaali panid tänavused naistantsutähed oma lemmikkleidid heategevuslikule oksjonile. See on tantsijate isiklik panus abi vajavate laste aitamiseks.
Among Feathered Friends 2 Mar 2012 | 01:58 pm
I've finally finished my concept board for tomorrow! Combining designer Elie Saab and natural elements, I'm designing a fashion show set in a huge nest with feathers, reflective objects and mirror sha...
Beauty and the Brainjack. 1 Mar 2012 | 12:29 pm
via Meet my current obsession; Elie Saab. This semester, I'm required to create a hypothetical fashion show using a designer and concept of my choice (as well as ringing the Natural History...
Sardar Jokes SMS 5 Apr 2012 | 06:17 am
Sardar ke bagiche me bahut sare ped the, Sardar naukar ko bola ped ko pani dal. Naukar bola saab barish aah raha hai, Sardar: abe budhu chhatri pakadke dal na!.
Runway Reviews: Couture Fall 2010 9 Jul 2010 | 12:49 pm
(PARIS) Elie Saab Elie Saab could probably sell out a couture collection in his sleep, but he raised even his own buyer-friendly standards with a "theatrical" themed ensemble that was all ruby red ca...
Spyker и GM договорились о продаже Saab за $400 млн. 28 Jan 2010 | 02:21 am
Нидерландский производитель спортивных автомобилей Spyker Cars сообщил о заключении сделки с американским автопроизводителем General Motors о покупке его шведского подразделения Saab.
Mitt i politiken – Avsnitt 002: Saab begärs i konkurs 20 Dec 2011 | 02:21 pm
Denna veckas avsnitt av mitt i politiken tar upp konkursen av SAAB, signalspaningsuppgörelsen och mycket mer. God jul och gott nytt år till alla er som lyssnar. SAAB begärs i konkurs Under måndagen ...
Celebrities Love Elie Saab 7 Jan 2012 | 09:33 am
Elie Saab was a favorite designer for 2011 because a lot of designers wore his dresses on the red carpet. He is a Lebanese designer who became an overnight success as he dressed Oscar winner, Halle Be...
Chráněno: BMW má údajně zájem o Saab 23 Feb 2012 | 03:26 am
Stručný obsah příspěvku zde není uveden, protože je tento příspěvek chráněn heslem.