Most wibiya or meebo related news are at:

8 Google+ Videos for Beginners 15 Apr 2013 | 06:00 pm
If you didn’t know, Google+ is a big deal. Sure, there’s Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter and YouTube. But Google+ is fast becoming THE place to be for local business owners. Matter of fact, ove...
How Chiropractors Can Use Pinterest To Grow Their Practices 23 Mar 2013 | 08:29 pm
While Pinterest may not seem like an obvious marketing tool for chiropractors, utilizing the link-sharing website in the right way can provide unique opportunities to grow a practice. Take Time To Set...
More wibiya or meebo related news:
Entrar no MSN pelo eBuddy, Meebo e Hotmail 19 May 2012 | 04:30 am
Depois de criar seu MSN, talvez você enfrente alguma dificuldade em entrar no MSN, o MSN pode estar bloqueado, sua versão do MSN é muito antiga, etc. Mas saiba que existem várias formas de se entrar n...
Adding Wibiya to your blog 12 Aug 2011 | 06:51 am
Wibiya enables blogs to integrate the most exciting services, applications and widgets of their choice into their blog through customized web-based toolbars. Our platform offers a one-stop solution fo...
Miscellanea di siti 7 May 2010 | 05:10 am
PubMed (pubblicazioni mediche) Statistiche in tempo reale del mondo Italiamedia (Agenzia di stampa) (barra con applicazioni varie) (annunci compravendite) ...
Chat with Readers Live with Google Talk Chatback Badge !! 26 Feb 2008 | 11:56 pm
Like Meebo Me, Google Talk now allows you to chat with people who may not have signed up for Google Talk or a Google Account. This is possible through a new Google Talk Chat Badge that bloggers can e...
Služba Meebo už podporuje i MySpace a Facebook 22 Dec 2008 | 12:28 am
Oblíbená online aplikace Meebo se dočkala několika vylepšení. Nově podporuje MySpace a Facebook a jejich služby pro zasílání rychlých zpráv . Meebo doposud podporovalo „pouze“ Google Talk, AOL Insta...
See How Wibiya Pivoted and Later Sold for $45 Million by Dror Ceder @drorceder 12 Feb 2012 | 05:30 am
This is one of the most inspiring interviews I’ve had. Dror Ceder, the co-founder of Wibiya, explains how taking financial risks, putting yourself in a position to succeed, listening to others and be...
Welcome to our Meebo chatters!!! 30 Aug 2011 | 10:31 pm
Hiya all just want to say a big welcome to you all! Im sure that you will enjoy your stay with us.. and Im sure you are all aware of I will bend over backwards for our chatters. I have experienced th...
传谷歌正收购在线分享和通讯网站Meebo 14 May 2012 | 02:25 pm
传谷歌正收购在线分享和通讯网站Meebo 据国外媒体报道,两名知情消息人士透露,谷歌正就收购美国在线分享和通讯网站Meebo进行谈判,收购价将在1亿美元左右。 Meebo CEO塞斯·斯腾伯格(Seth Sternberg)尚未对此给予回应,谷歌发言人则拒绝对传闻或者揣测发表评论。 Meebo于2005年由斯腾伯格、首席技术官桑迪·珍(Sandy Jen)和顾问伊莱恩·维利(Elaine W...
Skype Online Chat – Ohne Programm im Netz chatten - Mit ohne Skype-Client online chatten 22 May 2012 | 02:46 am
Ich war lange auf der Suche nach einem Online-Dienst wie Meebo, der es zuverlässig schafft, einen Chat (Text), über den Internetbrowser und das Smartphone herzustellen. Mittlerweile habe ich viele Ges...
Olan Biten #7 14 Jun 2009 | 12:23 am
Blogumun toplam ziyaretçi sayısı bugün 100.000’i aştı. Temmuz 2007’de açılmış bir blog için iyi bir rakam bence, özellikle son dönemde yazmayı aksattığımı düşünürsek. En alta Wibiya çubuğu ekledim. P...