Most wifi direct linux related news are at:

Guest Ticket Registration Now Available 14 Aug 2013 | 11:14 pm
We are pleased to announce that we have added the Guest Ticket option to the registration system. A Guest Ticket allows a registered attendee to purchase a companion ticket for a spouse, significant ...
Registration Is Now Closed 10 Aug 2013 | 05:27 pm
We are pleased to announce that we have reached the maximum capacity for registration to the Linux Plumbers Conference, therefore, as of now, the registration is closed. We have deliberately limited t...
More wifi direct linux related news:
Linux International Announces New Direction 14 Feb 2010 | 08:11 pm
Linux International, a vendor organization since 1994 which has helped to promote the Linux Operating System, announces their new charter of being an end-user organization for Free and Open Source Sof...
DLNA nimmt WiFi Direct in Spezifikationen auf 19 Nov 2011 | 05:38 am
Der Verband rund um DLNA (Digital Living Network Alliance) hat bekannt gegeben, dass man nun Wi-Fi Direct aufgenommen habe. Dies bestätigt in Zukunft auch das DLNA-Siegel, welches bescheinigt, dass da...
Pioneer BDP-160, nuevo Blu-Ray con Wifi Direct pensando en los smartphones 18 Jun 2013 | 10:37 pm
Pioneer ha lanzado al mercado un nuevo reproductor Blu-Ray con tecnología WiFi Direct, por lo que la conexión más sencilla y rápida con diferentes fuentes de contenido, desde portátiles hasta smartpho...
Neuer 3D Blu-ray Disc-Spieler von Pioneer mit WiFi-Direct für Streaming von Mobilgeräten 31 Jul 2013 | 07:59 pm
Neuer 3D Blu-ray Disc-Spieler von Pioneer mit WiFi-Direct für Streaming von Mobilgeräten
Broadcom adds WiFi Direct to its embedded device platform, furthers our internet-of-things future 27 Aug 2013 | 05:00 pm
Broadcom, wireless. Peanut butter, jelly. Together, they just work. So today's announcement that the company is adding WiFi Direct to its WICED (Wireless Internet Connectivity for Embedded Devices) pl...
wpa_supplicant use problems 27 Aug 2013 | 07:25 am
Hello all, I am running into trouble when following tutorials on compiling and setting up wpa_supplicant for use. I am trying to get its p2p (Wifi Direct) functionality working, but I am currently at ...
Broadcom adds WiFi Direct to its embedded device platform, furthers our internet-of-things future 27 Aug 2013 | 05:10 pm
Broadcom, wireless. Peanut butter, jelly. Together, they just work. So today's announcement that the company is adding WiFi Direct to its WICED (Wireless Internet Connectivity for Embedded Devices) pl...
Neuer 3D Blu-ray Disc-Spieler von Pioneer mit WiFi-Direct für Streaming von Mobilgeräten 10 Jul 2013 | 03:38 pm
Neuer 3D Blu-ray Disc-Spieler von Pioneer mit WiFi-Direct für Streaming von Mobilgeräten
Pioneer BDP-160: Neuer 3D Blu-ray-Player 25 Jul 2013 | 02:30 pm
Pioneer hat einen neuen 3D Blu-ray-Player mit dem Kürzel BDP-160 auf den Markt gebracht, der trotz des günstigen Preises recht vielseitig daherkommt. Mit WiFi-Direct kann der Player Videos und Musik o...
Broadcom adds WiFi Direct to its embedded device platform, furthers our internet-of-things future 27 Aug 2013 | 05:00 pm
Broadcom, wireless. Peanut butter, jelly. Together, they just work. So today's announcement that the company is adding WiFi Direct to its WICED (Wireless Internet Connectivity for Embedded Devices) pl...