Most wii update manager related news are at:

Wii Spiele von unterwegs aus kaufen 15 Aug 2012 | 04:43 pm
-> Normal 0 21 false false false DE X-NONE X-NONE Die japanische Firma Nintendo setzt schon seit Jahren mit den innovativsten und erfolgreichsten Konsolen und Handhelds Meilensteile in der V...
Fit für die Olympischen Spiele in London 29 May 2012 | 06:47 pm
Die Spiele in London finden zwar erst von 27. Juli bis 12. August 2012 statt, auf der Wii kann man sich jedoch bereits seit vielen Monaten ideal of das Großereignis vorbereiten. Nicht nur eingefleisch...
More wii update manager related news:
More photo updates! 29 Mar 2011 | 10:07 am
Managed to process more photos this evening – Only got a couple of thousand left to go!… Sally at Home Seaton Delaval Beach New Years Eve 2009 Chillingham Castle Updated: Last update for a little ...
Update xserver ubuntu 12.04 27 May 2012 | 10:17 am
Эта, можно сказать, заметка поможет “счастливым” владельцам видео карт ATI. Вчера Update Manager в очередной раз предложил обновить файлы xserver-а. После обновления перегружаемся и “иксы” не стартуют...
[WII] SaveGame Manager GX r106 19 Jun 2011 | 08:56 pm
dj_skual e Giantpune aggiornano SaveGame Manager GX, che giunge così alla rev73. Grazie a questo homebrew possiamo gestire i salvataggi presenti sulla nostra Wii! Changelog: Added an automatic resou...
Upgrade to ubuntu 11.04 27 Nov 2010 | 06:37 am
All you ubuntu freaks out there can now upgrade to the alpha release of ubuntu 11.04 – 11.10 would be the 2nd release i guess press alt+f2-> type ”update-manager -d” and click upgrade ! simple as pi...
Update Manager Indicator 14 Apr 2012 | 11:14 pm
Det har inte funnits en Update Manager Indicator under längre tid men WebUpd8 kunde nu fixa en och lägga upp den i eget PPA för nedladdning. Som standard visar den antalet uppdateringar ifall det finn...
Firefox 5 Telah Tersedia Untuk Ubuntu 10.4 Dan Ubuntu 10.10 27 Jun 2011 | 01:08 pm
Firefox 5 telah tersedia untuk Ubuntu 10.04 dan Ubuntu 10.10. Bagi pengguna Ubuntu 11.04 tidak perlu lagi mengupdate Firefox bila secara rutin telah melakukan update manager secara regular sebab telah...
Amazon coupon codes 2012 discount from 10% – 80% updated 12 Apr 2012 | 05:45 am
Managing cost and procurement savings is the best goal, monitor increase the Amazon coupon codes 2012 below for the cheapest prices to the products you want to buy. Click Amazon coupon codes 2012 dis...
[Wii] Wad Manager 1.5 (Uso e Erros) 19 Aug 2009 | 09:52 am
Wad Manager é um aplicação criado por Waninkoko que permite você manipular arquivos “.wad” no seu Wii. O que é .wad? Os arquivos .wad são vários arquivos agrupados em um único pacote. No Wii, este tip...
Upgrade Ke ubuntu 12.04 29 May 2012 | 04:32 pm
Dalam rilis ke rilis Ubuntu terdapat fitur upgrade ke Ubuntu versi terakhir (direct upgrades) yang terdapat pada Update Manager. Nah, kita akan menggunakan fitur tersebut untuk melakukan upgrade Ubunt...
Installing Ubuntu 9.04 28 Apr 2009 | 05:30 am
Yesterday I finally was able to install the new Ubuntu 9.04 „Jaunty Jackalope“ using the Update Manager. I’m usually a bit suspicious about new releases of Ubuntu since I always had problems that kept...