Most wii vga related news are at:

《新超級瑪莉歐兄弟Wii》繁中版 正在開發中 4 Apr 2010 | 04:40 pm
《新超級瑪莉歐兄弟Wii 繁中版》這項驚人的消息,似乎早在今年一月份的時候,就在香港任天堂網站(Wii遊戲軟體)上公佈了,我則延遲到最近才知道有這個消息。嚴重LAG....囧 雖說是香港任天堂所公佈的,不過依照巴哈的所給出的消息,台灣任天堂溥天(博優)似乎也加以證實,台灣將會發售,歐! YA!! 》原文 任天堂溥天也確認 2009 年 12 月在日本推出的 Wii 動作遊戲《新超級瑪俐歐兄弟...
驚見《Wii Fit Plus 繁體中文版》即將上市 29 Jan 2010 | 01:44 am
萬萬想不到,《Wii Fit Plus 繁體中文版》竟然這麼快就要上市了,O! My GOD! 距離去年10月1日日版推出,短短三個月的時間,1月30日繁體中文版正式上市,看來我之前的推斷,真是太錯特錯,完完全全誤會博X了,什麼時候其他強作也來個中文化吧!囧rz 偷懶一下直接引用聯合報的介紹 遊戲完整承襲《Wii Fit》所有內容,並新增 21 種訓練項目,其中包括 15 種新平衡遊戲、3 種...
More wii vga related news:
Mass Effect 3 Trailer Shown at VGA’s 13 Dec 2010 | 07:58 am
It’s been under a year since Mass Effect 2 was released, and yet the sequel already has a trailer. That’s alright it my books though, because it looks really bloody cool. During the Spike TV Video Gam...
30RD: EA Takeover & BB Tax 24 Sep 2009 | 11:00 am
The Wii is getting a price cut, EA could be jumped by MS, UK to get broadband tax
Samsung SGH X660 20 Dec 2006 | 07:51 am
De Samsung X660 is een tri-band gsm (GSM 900/1800/1900 MHz) voorzien van een VGA-videocamera, waarmee je makkelijk video’s kan opnemen, maar ook downloaden. Verder heeft hij een 65.536 kleurenscherm, ...
El Nombre clave del nuevo Xbox 720 es Durango 20 Feb 2012 | 08:54 am
Podría sonar un poco raro porque ponerle Durango a una consola pero antes de hacer especulaciones deténganse, Durango es el nombre clave así como alguna vez el Wii fuera llamado Revolution durante su ...
Telecharger jeux nitendo wii gratuit megaupload pal ntsc jap download free wii games ds acheter votre wii au meilleur prix dvd casino rapidshare 14 May 2009 | 12:35 am
Telecharger jeux nitendo wii gratuit megaupload Telechargement gratuit télécharger gratuitement pal ntsc jap super smash bros brawl okami boom blox smash party madworld little king stor punch out rock...
Wii Console + WiiFit and more (Melbourne $230.00) 18 Jan 2011 | 01:07 pm
Wii 2 Release Date: Not Before 2012 27 Apr 2011 | 10:26 am
In a press release, Nintendo has announced that we can expect to see Wii 2 in stores in 2012. However, later this year we will be able to get a taste of the new console, because Nintendo will showcase...
Les caractéristiques de la Wii U, nouvelle console de Nintendo 10 Jun 2011 | 03:05 am
Nintendo a présenté la Wii U lors de l'Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) de Los Angeles mardi 7 juin. Cet hybride de tablette tactile et de console de jeux entend prolonger le succès de Wii en propos...
Nintedo Wii 29 Sep 2011 | 08:59 am
English: The Nintendo Wii game system is the brain child of the company Nintendo and is making a big hit in the game console market as of late. One reason that has been so successful is that is mark...
Kind of Flattering if It Wasn't Frivolous 27 Sep 2011 | 06:59 am
Today we were served with a summons to appear to in court over a patent lawsuit involving the Nintendo Wii. UltimatePointer claims the Wii violates their patents for a "method for controlling movement...