Most wikileaks norway related news are at:

Upside Down 31 Jul 2013 | 06:49 am
IS THE WORLD TURNED COMPLETELY UPSIDE DOWN? This summer that question is maybe more expressed than ever. Two Norwegians from two different generations — both living in France — make it exceptionally c...
Kontroll på Kontinentet 31 Jul 2013 | 05:08 am
ER VERDEN SNUDD HELT PÅ HODET? Denne sommeren blir dette spørsmålet kanskje satt enda mer på spissen enn ellers. To godt voksne nordmenn fra hver sin generasjon — begge bosatt i Frankrike — gjør dette...
More wikileaks norway related news:
Royals do it too – take their kids out of school and travel the world! 15 Nov 2010 | 06:27 am
“We just want to take a break and to experience the world and other cultures and people together with our children”, Crown Prince Haakon and Princess Mette-Marit of Norway told the press the other day...
Icons: Qt 31 May 2011 | 11:25 pm
We enjoy working with clients from Norway very much. Framebase, for which we drew a character, approached us with an order for icons. These were more like mini illustrations rather than icons. Althoug...
The world's longest phone call 12 Apr 2011 | 09:39 pm
We just helped Tele2 Norway break the Guinness world record for the longest phone call! It was a marathon live event put together with SMFB and OTW, all broadcast live online – 26 hours straight. Regu...
Is Watching Eurovision Final! 27 May 2012 | 02:12 am
Tonight is the night! I am now ready to watch Eurovision Finale. Hoping of course that Norway will win but Sweden now is more favorite... Hmmm.. She is very good singer but will see. So who will be th...
IBB Lured Atiku to Fight Obasanjo 6 Sep 2011 | 05:38 am
WikiLeaks has exposed how Nigeria's former military dictator played past President, Olusegun Obasanjo against his Vice-President Atiku Abubakar in a secret plan to cause a crisis that would allow Gene...
ERCIM evolves with new organisational structure 23 Jun 2011 | 01:46 am
With the first general assembly of the ERCIM1 association (AISBL2) in Trondheim, Norway, 10 June 2011, ERCIM has accomplished a major organisational restructuring. An important change in ERCIM’s membe...
Kikiri-wiki: Filtran fotos de reunión con militares cubanos en Fuerte Mara 30 Nov 2010 | 12:20 pm
(Especial No sólo en el mundo anglosajón se filtran documentos (wikileaks) sobre la diplomacia estadounidense. A la redacción de La Patilla, ha llegado en un sobre de manila, sin identi...
Norway 25 Jul 2008 | 03:23 am
Europe’s ‘wild west,’ Norway has a ruggedly beautiful frontier character, with easy access to wild outdoor country and forested green belts circling even the largest cities. lts mountains, fjords and ...
Noam Chomsky on Bush, Obama and Wikileaks 19 May 2012 | 10:00 pm
Our Latest Published Articles As the United States carries out another deadly drone strike in Yemen, Noam Chomsky compares the counterterrorism policies of the George W. Bush and Obama administration...
Holanda hace el primer arresto de uno de los “soldados” de WikiLeaks 30 Nov 2010 | 10:45 am
La policía holandesa ha arrestado a un adolescente de 16 años por haber participado en los ataques DDoS en defensa de Wikileaks dirigidos a MasterCard y Visa. La policía holandesa arrestó al joven mi...