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Florian Cramer: Anti-Media. Ephemera on Speculative Arts 21 Jun 2013 | 12:35 pm
Florian Cramer, lecturer at the Rotterdam based Willem de Kooning Academy, demonstrates in his new collection of essays Anti-Media, how media and art critique constantly reflect on their own tradition...
Boek uit de Band Het E-boek, van Schrijver tot Lezer 22 en 23 maart 2012 16 Mar 2012 | 12:14 am
Met de opkomst van het E-boek wordt een nieuwe dimensie toegevoegd aan het uitgeven, redigeren, vormgeven en distribueren van boeken. De keten van schrijver naar lezer en wat daar tussenin zit komt on...
More wikileaks ten thesis related news:
Wikileaks’e FBI köstebek sokmuş 29 Jun 2013 | 03:05 pm
Wikileaks’ten halihazırda içerisindeki istihbarat Wikileaks’e kaçakçılığından dört paylaşması ve odasından sekiz Siggi yazışma fark arasında yapıldı, FBI’ın belgelerini Siggi’den teslim lakaplı Thorda...
Master of Communication 22 Mar 2012 | 12:00 am
I recently put the final period on my Master’s thesis, ten months after I began the process.
E.’s Top Ten, Year Three 28 Jul 2011 | 06:00 am
I hate writing conclusions. When I was writing my MA thesis I panicked over my conclusion for a couple of weeks and then purposefully went to bed stressing out about it in the hope that my subconsciou...
My first Bitcoin Experience - scam lost $20 USD - BBDC 10 Jan 2013 | 04:03 pm
So I needed to get ten dollars of Bitcoins, never used them before, all sounds a bit dodgy if you ask me, I like the idea of being able to make anonymous payments, I would love to donate to Wikileaks ...