Most wikileaks ufo cables related news are at:

Timbers to Stones to Grains: The “University” of South Britain 27 Aug 2013 | 10:09 am
This is such an odd planet on which we live. There, now, is hardly a profound statement and it was most assuredly not intended be so considered. Any form of composition requires an opening so why not ...
UFOs on Indo-Chinese Border Continue to Confound 25 Aug 2013 | 02:55 am
After an interregnum of several months, another UFO has been seen in the barren, heavily-militarized Ladakh region of India, this time in Lagen Khel. A sighting by Indian troops occurred on the evenin...
More wikileaks ufo cables related news:
The U.S. government is 22 ms charges against the soldier accused of being the source 8 Mar 2011 | 01:29 am
The U.S. Dnse Department has filed 22 additional charges against Bradley Manning, the soldier accused of being the main source of leaks to WikiLeaks diplomatically cables, according to NBC. The most s...
WikiLeaks confirms ‘cash for vote’ scam of 2008 18 Mar 2011 | 06:15 pm
NEW DELHI - The WikiLeaks India cables have revealed some more shocking information. The latest one is on the purchase of votes by the Congress before the crucial vote of confidence in Lok Sabha in th...
wikileaks jakarta cable embassy 31 Jan 2011 | 04:49 am
Viewing cable 10JAKARTA186, MISSION INDONESIA FUNDING REQUEST TO AMPLIFY SOCIAL MEDIA EFFORT IN TIME FOR MARCH POTUS VISIT If you are new to these pages, please read an introduction on the structure ...
Researching HIV in WikiLeaks Cables 12 Jul 2012 | 12:22 pm
By John S. James All 251,287 WikiLeaks "Cablegate" cables have now been released (apparently by opponents of Assange). They are searchable, and 'HIV' is mentioned in 1534 of them. While 107 cables ar...
How an explosive Wikileaks revelation about Supreme Leader’s top aide seeking U.S. government money for presidential run might help Ahmadinejad and hi... 16 Apr 2013 | 04:51 pm
Laura Rozen reports in Al-Monitor’s Back Channel on the explosive Wikileaks US cable that implicates Ayatollah Khamenei’s top aide and former Iran Foreign Minister, Ali Akbar Velayati, in a purported ...
URGENTE: WIKILEAKS PUBLICA 21 UFO CABLES - Día "D" para el Secretismo al Tema 8 Apr 2013 | 09:55 pm
Si Ud. es un asiduo lector al holding de Blogs de NPE le rogamos nos permita explicarle un poco a los nuevos lectores de donde es que inicia éste asunto de los UFO Cables, Wikileaks y NPE a fin de pod...
Cablegate2: Análisis de las operaciones de la inteligencia venezolana 10 Sep 2011 | 03:04 pm
Entre los miles de cables diplomáticos, liberados recientemente por la organización Wikileaks, se encuentran algunos que hacen referencia a las diversas actividades que llevan a cabo las agencias de s...
Buscador de los cables sobre Venezuela 5 Sep 2011 | 07:17 pm
Como una forma de ayudar a la búsqueda de información en los cables liberados por Wikileaks, hemos montado en versión beta un buscador de cables exclusivamente para Venezuela. Son más de 14 mil cables...
Free Wikileaks! 11 Dec 2010 | 06:09 am
Después de los acontecimientos presenciados en contra de Julian Assange, la organización Wikileaks y los cables que la misma ha dado a conocer, creemos que es oportuno esta acción en contra del terror...
Wikileaks: EEUU considera financiar proyectos de aborto en México 23 Mar 2011 | 10:46 pm
Un cable filtrado del Departamento de Estado muestra que el gobierno de Estados Unidos ha considerado financiar proyectos de grupos abortistas radicales en México que, según expertos consultados por A...