Most wikipedia boss jimmy wales related news are at:

The future of social networking – a concept investigation with Augmented Reality 23 Aug 2010 | 06:10 am
Here are some concept designs that myself and ace designer Philip Langley put our heads together to create. It’s an investigation into how social networking may work in the future, focusing on mobile ...
New Jack Parow video 6 May 2010 | 10:43 pm
Afrikaner-Gangsta** rapper Jack Parow makes me laugh out loud… ie “Ek is America, jy’s Iraq”… I mean, where does he come up with this crap? I wish I had a better handle of Afrikaans, but I manage to ...
More wikipedia boss jimmy wales related news:
Week’s Top Technology Talks 9 Jul 2012 | 06:53 pm
Sign Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales’s petition…, US wireless carriers…, Apple’s patent absurdity…, The Oatmeal wins…, The Evidence Against Him…, black boxes…, Controversial bill…, swipe-to-unlock paten...
Wikipedias grundare förnekar att de letar efter Snowden 27 Jun 2013 | 11:32 am
Jimmy Wales på prisutdelning 2011. Foto: Thomas Entzeroth, CC-BY-SA 3.0, Wikimedia Commons Igår meddelade den tyska tidningen Der Spiegel att Wikipedias grundare, Jimmy Wales, letar efter whistleblow...
Kanye West Banned From Wikipedia For Editing Profile For 783rd Time 26 Aug 2013 | 06:01 pm
By Cash Money Slumdog Millionaire LOS ANGELES – Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales has personally banned rapper Kanye West from ever accessing the site after West was found editing his profile for 783rd t...
Can you share this? 30 Dec 2011 | 06:51 am
我希望这封信有更多人能看见,所以不转发,直接在这里贴出。 Jimmy Wales Thu, Dec 29, 2011 at 9:05 AM Reply-To: Jimmy Wales To: kDolphin Dear kDolphin, Here’s how the Wikipedia fundraiser works: Every year we raise just the fun...
15 سایتی که دنیا را تغییر داده اند 20 Aug 2006 | 09:18 pm
1. موسس: Pierre Omidyar سال: 1995 در کشور آمریکا کاربر: 168 میلیون نفر فعالیت: فروشگاهی با مدل حراجی 2. موسس Jimmy Wales سال 2001 آمریکا مخاطب: 912.000 بازدید در روز فعالیت: دائ...
Larry Sanger, Jimmy Wales, pedofilia y lolicon 12 May 2010 | 08:48 am
La noticia se puede leer en detalle aquí. En resumen, Larry Sanger, co-fundador de wikipedia (se alejó del proyecto hace años por sus diferencias con el otro fundador: Jimmy Wales) y fundador de citiz...
Il meglio della settimana – 8 10 Oct 2011 | 05:43 am
[Scienza & Tecnologia] Intervista esclusiva a Jimmy Wales, co-fondatore di Wikipedia: legge bavaglio, un duro colpo alla libertà di stampa “[...] Perché su Twitter ha definito questo progetto di leg...
Sebuah permohonan dari pendiri Wikipedia Jimmy Wales 28 Nov 2011 | 06:35 pm
Google mungkin memiliki hampir sejuta server. Yahoo memiliki sekitar 13.000 staf. Kami hanya memiliki 679 server dan 95 staf. Wikipedia adalah situs #5 di web dan melayani 450 juta orang yang berbeda...
Wikipédia a 10 ans - Wikipédia a fêté ses 10 ans d'existence 19 Jan 2011 | 06:12 am
Gérée par la fondation à but non-lucratif Wikimedia et créée le 15 janvier 2001 par Jimmy Wales, Wikipédia est la plus populaire des encyclopédies contributives en ligne avec plus de 400 millions de v...
Jimmy Wales gewinnt im nächsten Jahr den Gottlieb-Duttweiler-Preis. Im Interview mit der Handelszeitung spricht er über seinen Reichtum, seine Vision ... 23 Nov 2010 | 10:15 pm
Das Interview erschien in der Handelszeitung Nr. 46 vom 17. November 2010 und wurde geführt von Pascal Ihle und Stefan Eislein Der Gründer des Online- Lexikons Wikipedia über seinen Reichtum, seine V...