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Wilfred [S02E01][MultiUpload] 29 May 2012 | 12:45 pm
Genre:Comedy Season: 2 Season Episode Name & Number :S02E01 Time:30 Min DESCRIPTION The story of a manic depressive man who inexplicably is the only one who can see his neighbor’s dog as full gro...
Wilfred Season 2 All Episodes MultiUpload 29 May 2012 | 12:43 pm
Genre:Comedy Season: 2 Season Time:30 Min DESCRIPTION The story of a manic depressive man who inexplicably is the only one who can see his neighbor’s dog as full grown man in a dog suit. “Ryan” i...
Wilfred 12 Apr 2011 | 02:00 am
On FX I keep seeing previews for this new TV show, Wilfred, where a guy is dressed as a dog and behaves like a dog, but it's a person right? The premise is bazaar, but since I’m a dog lover I’ll proba...
Wilfred Emmanuel-Jones Jamaican Entrepreneur 25 Oct 2011 | 12:58 am
In his own words, Wilfred is ‘a poor boy, done good’. Born in Jamaica and raised in inner city Birmingham, unqualified but persistent, he talked his way into television production. He introduced top c...
Poes en fret 3 May 2012 | 07:04 pm
Deze week kreeg ik deze leuke foto’s van Wilfred Vlieger. Schattig om te zien dat fret en kat zo heerlijk bij elkaar liggen te slapen.
Nederland is helemaal Oranje 26 Apr 2012 | 06:07 pm
Na het behalen van de Televizierring doen presentator Wilfred Genee en commentator Johan Derksen een gooi naar een TMF Awards. Met hun album De Helden van Oranje hebben ze de jacht geopend. Onder ande...
Serientip: Wilfred 6 Aug 2011 | 09:52 pm
"A bone? That's like giving a basketball to a black guy." - Wilfred - Inhalt: Stellt euch vor, ihr lernt einen Menschen kennen. Ihr geht mit ihm eines Tages nach Hause und trefft dort auf sein Hausti...
Stephen Spender und Günter Grass oder was kann die Poesie 17 Apr 2012 | 10:12 pm
Der englische Dichter Stephen Spender beschreibt in seinem Roman „Der Tempel“ aus dem Jahr 1931, was gute und was schlechte Lyrik ist. Als Beispiele nimmt er Siegfried Sassoon und Wilfred Owen. Seine ...
Admiral Wilfred P. Wafflebottom 19 Mar 2012 | 09:35 pm
This is a character created while participating in Michael Defeo's online ZBrush Character class at (Which was a great class) Michael provied the class with a cafe sketch of an olde...
Hipster: 'Wilfred' Recap (Season 1, Episode 5): Hipsters & Hospice 22 Jul 2011 | 11:41 pm
Weekly Hate is back with a look at the hockey hipster and what to do when he starts to cause trouble."I think some people automatically dismiss Pitchfork because they think it's just a bunch of hipste...