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Hayley Williams Titter Twitter 26 Aug 2010 | 07:45 am

Hayley Williams Titter Twitter – Turns out that Hayley Williams, lead singer of Paramore, is one of those girls who likes to Twitter hot pics of herself. Check out these Twitter titter pics that Hayle...

How Medium is building a new kind of company with no managers 6 Aug 2013 | 09:00 am

After Ev Williams first started working on Twitter, he reached out to Jason Stirman in Texas. “You have to come out here,” Williams said. “Twitter is happening and we want you to join us.” But Stirman...

Site2You Review 23 Nov 2011 | 06:30 am

Site2You is a premium website builder founded by Andrew Williams in 2002 and located in New York City. Website: Facebook Page: Twitter: @an...

Twitter change de PDG : Dick Costolo remplace Evan Williams 5 Oct 2010 | 06:42 pm

Avec le Nouveau Twitter, il n'y a pas que l'interface qui va changer chez Twitter car on apprend aujourd'hui via Techcrunch que son PDG (CEO) et fondateur Evan Williams vient de démissionner et céde l...

La adicción a Facebook pone a un diseñador web tras las rejas 19 Apr 2012 | 06:15 pm

¿Cree que tu adicción a los sitios de redes sociales como Facebook, Twitter y Tuenti es patéticamente vergonzosa? Dudo seriamente que sigas el ejemplo del ex diseñador de páginas web William Hall. Sin...

Samantha Stosur nueva reina del US Open ante Serena Williams 13 Sep 2011 | 04:17 am

Por Héctor Ledezma Twitter: @natheleo Una final rápida, no era lo que se esperaba, el resultado no era el que decían los números, aunque por un lado tiene algo de lógica, Stosur era la preclasificad...

Schritt 1 – Was ist Twitter 6 Jan 2010 | 06:37 am

Twitter ist ein amerikanisches Internet-Unternehmen, das 2006 in San Francisco von Jack Dorsey, Evan Williams und Biz Stone gegründet wurde. Die Bezeichnung “Twitter” kommt aus dem Englischen und bed...

Bill Gates su Twitter 21 Jan 2010 | 08:36 am

Sua Maestà Sistema Operativo, al secolo William Henry Gates III, meglio noto come Bill Gates mette le ali blu e si concede a Twitter. Il successo è immediato e, a meno di 24 ore dall’apertura, il suo ...

Celebrity Tweets and Niche Sites 26 Dec 2010 | 07:42 am

Twitter has taken the web by force. Since its launch in 2006, it is immensely well-liked to the point that it has millions of users. From Serena Williams to Al Gore and from Barack Obama to Joan Strea...

Happy 5th Birthday, Twitter! 22 Mar 2011 | 05:21 am

just setting up my twttr March 21, 2006 1:50 pm via webReplyRetweetFavorite @jack Jack Dorsey A mere 5 years ago, Jack Dorsey (@jack), Biz Stone (@biz), and Evan Williams (@ev) founded Twitter. The ...

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