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Kite Wind Surf SMS канал в Калининграде 13 Feb 2008 | 06:07 am
ВиндКайтСёрф SMS канал:+7909 775 5557 Внимание! Теперь подключиться можно с телефона любого оператора любой страны! Для того чтобы получить кратенькую справку по использовнию сервиса - отправьте HELP ...
Water sport 18 Sep 2010 | 10:31 am
Water sport in Bintan Island - Jetsky - WInd surfing - Kite surfing - Snoorkling - Diving - Surfing
WIMCO 8 Mar 2011 | 03:29 am
A St Barts villa rental gives you a home base from which to venture to the island’s 22 beaches, partake in sailing or scuba diving, play tennis or go wind surfing, sample the beachfront bistros and hi...
Extreme Sports in Morocco 1 Feb 2011 | 10:36 pm
Morocco is the ideal place to practice a wide range of extreme sports. Practicing Extreme Sports in Morocco such as kite surf; wind surf; surf; ski; snowboard; Sahara Desert sand board; ATV motor quad...
Ελεονώρα Μελέτη: Μαθαίνει wind surf 18 May 2012 | 02:52 am
Η Ελεονώρα Μελέτη με κάθε ευκαιρία «πετιέται» μέχρι την Ανάβυσσο, για να απολαύσει τη θάλασσα.
Water Sport in Sri Lanka 13 Sep 2011 | 10:16 am
The beach resorts of Sri Lanka offer a variety of water sports ranging as follows: Surfing Wind Surfing Snorkeling Water Sking Wave Boarding Canoeing Scuba Diving Sailing Boating Deep Sea Di...
Katalog stron www 4 Apr 2012 | 11:22 pm
Oddajemy w Twoje ręce wartościowy katalog stron www. Zaglądając pod adres masz pewność, że znajdziesz tylko wartościowe i godne uw...
Kitesurfing Porto Courses 7 Jun 2012 | 01:00 pm
Extreme Sports Cafes’ new partner Portugal Watersports Centre offers both Wind surfing and Kite surfing instruction between May and September. Located in the northwest of Portugal, near the town of Av...
WIND & SURF AUTOUR DU MONDE, une marque des VOYAGES GALLIA 17 Sep 2012 | 11:03 pm
Trouver sa destination kitesurf ? Trouver une destination ensoleillé pour apprendre un nouveau sport comme le Kitesurf, voilà une recherche de vacances tendance. Mais où partir et avec quel voyagis...
Windstar Cruises Nears Completion of Fleet Renovation 15 Nov 2012 | 03:02 am
Windstar Cruises announced the latest plans for the $18 million fleet-wide renovation project to be completed in December of this year.Wind Surf, the company’s flagship, will enter into dry dock on No...