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symfony2 Blog Application Tutorial Part V-2: Testing Secure Pages 29 Mar 2011 | 08:36 am
I just wanted to write a quick post illustrating how to use the http basic authentication mechanism to test secured pages. Since the testing framework does not support sessions at the moment, it is no...
Migrating Source -- Switching Unit Testing Framework 8 Jul 2009 | 08:07 pm
I noticed several people are migrating their source code base from NUnit to MSTest and vice versa. I thought I could share a useful technique to automate this process with ReSharper, and it appears to...
Simple helper method for async testing with Jasmine and RequireJS 15 Dec 2011 | 12:40 pm
Unit testing in Javascript, especially with RequireJS can be a bit of challenge. Jasmine, which is our unit testing framework does not have any out of the box support for RequireJS. I have seen a few ...
How to write efficient unit tests. 5 principles for unit testing. 16 Dec 2011 | 01:43 pm
In these last years, since the first unit testing frameworks were made available, and methodologies like TDD have become mainstream, unit testing is turning into a more popular strategy in software de...
Ep. 61 PhantomJS 23 Mar 2011 | 01:33 am
Episode kali ini Ariya Hidayat menjelaskan soal PhantomJS JS test framework: dan Jaxer – lihat di “As...
Test Driven Development for Silverlight 3 (Integration Testing) 23 Jun 2009 | 05:34 pm
In this final installment of the Silverlight 3 testing screencast series, I dive into the Test Framework's asynchronous capabilities and how we can apply them to tests involving control elements and s...
5 Best Javascript Testing Framework For AJAX Developement 29 Oct 2011 | 12:38 am
JSLint is a JavaScript program that looks for problems in JavaScript programs. It is a code quality tool. JSLint takes a JavaScript source and scans it. If it finds a problem, it returns a message des...
Benefits of AsUnit XUL UI and solving Vista problem 1 May 2009 | 12:02 pm
AsUnit is my preferred unit testing framework for ActionScript 2 and 3. For years, I used just the AsUnit framework classes and wrote the unit tests myself. I didn't understand exactly what the "XUL U...
ScribeFire Next 1.7.1 Released 21 Jun 2011 | 03:59 pm
Version 1.7.1 of ScribeFire for Chrome, Opera, and Safari, and ScribeFire Next for Firefox, is now available. This is the first update to ScribeFire that benefits from the new testing framework; this ...
Testing Etherpad Lite 5 Jun 2012 | 10:10 pm
We have recently partnered with SauceLabs to provide a testing framework for Etherpad Lite. This framework currently supports browser only tests and must be run in Selenium or on the Sauce Labs onDema...