Most windows ack vim related news are at:

An example of what can be done with Terms. 18 Nov 2012 | 04:02 am
Terms is a production system. With it, you define words, and use the words to produce sentences and rules, that you add to the knowledge base. Terms extracts consecuences from those sentences and rule...
Announcing Terms 17 Oct 2012 | 04:16 am
This post is to announce the release of Terms, a knowledge store written in Python. Its main selling point would be the language it provides to express knowledge, that, in my opinion, is very simple a...
More windows ack vim related news:
vimrc for web developers updated 10 Sep 2012 | 05:55 am
趁著週末把 vimrc 整理了一下。這個 vimrc 主要是 for PHP, Python, JavaScript (CoffeeScript) 的 web developers, 有興趣的朋友可以到直接到 github 上看更詳細的安裝說明。這次主要加上了幾個套件: vim-ack, vim-fugitive, vim-nerdtree-tabs, vim-php-namespace, vim...
将 Vim 打开的文件加入 Windows 7 跳转列表 10 Sep 2011 | 12:23 am
Windows 7 的跳转列表(Jump List)是我挺喜欢的一个功能,可惜不知为何用 Vim 打开的文件并不会加入列表。这个小问题让我纠结了一年,直至最近发现 Vim script 可以内嵌 Python 才得以解决。 软件: 1、使用 DYNAMIC_PYTHON 编译的 gVim 2、Python 3、PyWin32 另外虽然名字是 PyWin32,但是 64 位下一点问题都没有...
NTFS 4 Ubuntu 25 Oct 2007 | 09:04 pm
Agar file system NTFS (Windows) bisa di baca di linux ubuntu step-step yang harus diikutin yaitu: 1. sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g 2. edit fstab di vim /etc/fstab 3. masukkan /dev/hda1 /mnt/window ...
Sharing Vim configs with Mac and Windows using Dropbox 28 Jan 2011 | 11:41 am
I’m back to using VIm again, after a few years of working with TextMate on the Mac. VIm is great because it works the same on many different platforms, and I jump from Mac to Windows a lot these days....
Shuffle lines in Vim 8 Jul 2011 | 09:07 am
In a pinch, I needed to randomize the order of a few thousand lines of plain text. In Linux you can just pipe the file through sort, even right inside Vim: But I was stuck on Windows. And I don't kno...
vimdiff - Edit two or Three versions of a file with Vim and show differences 8 Apr 2009 | 06:46 pm
Vimdiff starts Vim on two (or three) files. Each file gets its own window. The differences between the files are highlighted.This is a nice way to inspect changes and to move changes from one version ...
My Vim Setup on Windows 27 Jul 2011 | 08:00 am
I have been slowing teaching myself how to use vi/vim for quite some time now. I have been using a Visual Studio plugin called ViEmu and I have also been using MacVim some on my Mac. A few days ago I ...
Using UDP sockets to connect a Windows 8 Metro style app to a .NET Micro Framework device: Part 3 24 Jun 2012 | 09:11 am
In this post, I show how to have bidirectional UDP communication: The Win8 Metro style app will send messages to the Gadgeteer device which responds with ACKs. This is part 3 in a series of posts abou...
Paste text from Vim when it's suspended (ctrl+z) 13 Jan 2013 | 06:06 pm
I'm using Ubuntu and terminal vim and I have this workflow that I would yank something in Vim, suspend it (ctrl+z) and then paste the yanked text on command line usually to do a search with ack. For s...
Sublime Text 輕便美觀又好用的程式編輯器 4 Jul 2013 | 04:23 pm
雖然我寫 Code 大部分是用 Linux 內的 Vim 來寫,在 Windows 環境中以前則是常用 Notepad++ ,自從有次瞥見朋友用Sublime Text在Coding,當時心想:「怎麼會有一個這麼漂亮的編輯軟體!」而後經過搜尋發現,這軟體非常小,但是卻有著強大的擴充能力以及內嵌的Console可用,這讓我在 Coding 完後可以馬上看見結果,這是Notepad++無法比擬的啊! ...