Most windows image acquisition related news are at:

What JavaScript taught me about C# – Understanding ‘Access to modified closure’ 9 May 2012 | 03:04 pm
Background If you’ve spent any time writing C# using a copy of ReSharper you will have come across the phrase ‘Access to modified closure’. It’s a well known warning and there are plenty of StackOver...
Doing indecent things with Mono.Cecil - An alternative to ILMerge for WPF 5 Apr 2012 | 05:20 pm
Background ILMerge is a great tool for merging .NET assemblies, when we want to deploy an application as a single executable file we can merge in the dependencies and we’re good to go. Unfortunately...
More windows image acquisition related news:
Silverlight 4 COM Automation – Taking photos with a DSLR using Windows Image Acquisition 23 Dec 2009 | 12:01 am
Note: This code was written using the PDC09 Beta and may not work without modification on future builds! Silverlight 4 brings a lot to the table and in my opinion is the most exciting looking release...
The WIA device is not online - windows 7 27 Aug 2013 | 02:40 pm
Hi All, I have an application uses WIA (Windows Image Acquisition library). The application work fine in Windows XP, but the Windows 7 give an error saying The WIA device is not online I am using th...
Thunderbolt : next Camera interface? 8 Mar 2011 | 03:15 pm
XIMEA's CamExpress enabled new levels of Image acquisition performance and convenience is now stepping up into Thunderbolt Technology. 10Gbps of interface bandwidth, directly to the PC memory, without...
Build Your Own WDS Discovery Image 20 May 2011 | 01:19 am
Given that I work on the Windows team, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that we use Windows Deployment Services to distribute Windows images internally. For most machines, it’s really convenient. You t...
Windows Image Gallery v1.2 24 Nov 2012 | 03:35 am
Windows Image Gallery is windows look a like script of the famous windows. It displays all pictures in a specifies folder on your server. The script will create automaticly thumbnails from the images ...
Windows Backup – Create a Windows Image Backup 28 Dec 2012 | 08:10 pm
There are many programs out there that will cost you a lot of money just to back up your computer but what people do not realise is that Windows comes with its own backup application that can keep you...
[v2.2.345.1381] IC Capture, Image Acquisition 12 Nov 2012 | 07:40 pm
New Solution: How to Change MXF Wrapper to QuickTime 3 Jul 2013 | 07:23 pm
Canon XF305 Professional Camcorder continues to innovate and develop image acquisition products for the most demanding professional. It is of high quality and received high praise from its customers. ...
Install Windows 8 dari USB / Flashdisk dan cara mengatasi error: the product key entered does not match any of the windows images available 8 Jul 2013 | 01:48 pm
Hari ini coba installasi Windows 8 pada komputer / laptop baru teman ane yang didalamnya telah ada Windows 8 original (bawaan si doi), trus beliau minta dipartisi dan dipasangin double OS, jadi gw ins...
Windows 8.1 build 9471 Dev Edition V6 27 Aug 2013 | 04:10 am
Windows 8.1 build 9471 Dev Edition V6 | 3.86 GB Version: Windows 8.1 build 9471 (NOT RTM) Modification: Untouched Windows Image (WIM) Created by: The Dark with Help Name: Dark Developer Edition V6