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(Updated) How to Create a Windows XP Setup Disk from a Preinstalled Windows System 6 Mar 2008 | 09:24 pm
I have added a cautionary note about using ImgBurn, the latest version at this time, to create the setup disk.
How to Move a Windows XP Hard Drive to a New PC 19 Apr 2012 | 09:36 pm
When moving a harddrive to a new PC that has Windows XP installed it will fail to boot. This is because while loading Windows XP it will use the old hard disk controller drivers to access the Windows ...
Video: How to setup dual monitors in Windows XP 10 Nov 2011 | 08:22 am
Installing dual monitors for Windows XP is easy. Before you get started, make sure that you have the proper hardware to support dual monitors. If you have a PCI card video card, you can hook that up i...
How To Create An MS Startup Disk For Windows XP 27 Apr 2012 | 09:05 pm
Purpose of Windows XP Startup Disk is very simple, it allows us to boot our computer and have control on operating system. Once you do this, you have an option to take a backup of all your data. Photo...
Command Prompt Windows XP 8 Oct 2011 | 08:15 pm
Microsoft Disk Operating System atau sering disebut MS-DOS adalah sistem operasi berbasis baris peritnah (command line). Seperti sistem operasi lainnya, MS-DOS berfungsi untuk menerjemahkan input dari...
JUAL: Compaq presario CQ40 surabaya-Blitar-Kediri-Nganjuk 19 May 2012 | 08:51 pm
dijual gan karena mau upgrade….. Compaq Presario CQ40 Kondisi: -Body fisik 90% -mesin Normal -beret pemakaian -software normal (Windows XP Installed) spec: -processor intel dual core T4300 2.1...
Install Server PHP di Windows XP 15 Sep 2011 | 02:42 pm
Install Server PHP di Windows XP. PHP dan MySQL biasanya terinstal dengan LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP). Namun, seperti yang telah banyak diketahui dan dipergunakan saat ini PHP dan MySQL dapat dij...
Dell D600 Laptop (1.6ghz, 40 GB Hard Drive, DVD/CD-RW) 15 Aug 2012 | 10:54 am
FEATURED Dell D600 Laptop (1.6ghz, 40 GB Hard Drive, DVD/CD-RW) 1.6 GHz Processor and DVD-ROM/CD-RW included. Integrated Wireless and Bluetooth card. Windows XP Installed (brand new copy) from a Micro...
Format Windows XP 18 Dec 2012 | 11:18 pm
This explains step-by-step how to format hard drive partition using the Windows XP installation CD. Before you continue, make sure you have backup of all documents you may need that are saved in C:, M...
FileFacts – IsoBuster – ungefragte Installation 10 Jan 2013 | 06:28 am
Es ist doch erstaunlich, wie „Betrüger“ immer wieder heimlich und ungefragt es schaffen, irgendwelche Software auf den Computer zu schmuggeln. Um eine Windows XP Installation per USB-Stick vorzunehmen...