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INTELLIGENCE TEST 27 Nov 2008 | 01:11 am
INTELLIGENCE TEST - QUIZ FOR THE WISE GUY ! Time Limit: 2 Weeks. What colour was Rana Pratap's WHITE horse? If D.D is the short form of DOORDARSHAN, what's the long form? Would you ask William Shak...
Tracking Variations in the Earth's Magnetic Field 9 Feb 2011 | 06:43 pm
Scientists have known for decades that the earth's magnetic field reverses from time to time, and that magnetic north fluctuates. Some wise guy (the Buddha) said once that everything changes all the t...
Careers 27 Jun 2008 | 05:14 pm
The family is looking to recruit some new members, You want be a wise guy or a part of the family? Here is what we are looking for: Web developer - Webmaster We are looking for excellent and talente...
Projekt 52 Songs: #50 – Launenbesserung 18 Jun 2012 | 03:52 am
Nachdem ich Corner Of Queen von Walk Off The Earth und Sommer von den Wise Guys schon bei anderen Themen des Projektes verbloggt habe, hier ein eventuell etwas ungewöhnlicher Song zum Thema Launenbess...
How SEOs are soiling their own industry 30 Jul 2012 | 10:32 pm
The story repeats itself over and over, SEOs blindly abide by all kind of demands from their clients and unexpected results arise… It usually goes like this: Someone wants to be the wise guy on the ro...
26.05.2012 <b>Countdown für Baku und Grand Prix Party</b> 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
Der Eurovision Song Contest-Abend im Ersten: Sonnabend, 26. Mai, auch Udo Lindenberg, Jan Delay, Silbermond und Wise Guys dabei26 Länder treffen im Finale des Eurovision Song Contests in Baku aufeinan...
Wise Guys - Responsive Multipurpose HTML5 Template (Creative) 19 Nov 2012 | 03:27 pm
Wise Guys – Responsive Multipurpose HTML5 Template WiseGuys is a clean and modern template, built with HTML5 and CSS3 . Like every modern website out there, WiseGuys is responsive, which means it’s m...
Wise Guys – Geburtstagsständchen 24 Jan 2013 | 06:16 am
Die 5 Sänger mit dem Bandnamen “Wise Guys” haben sich mit ihrem A capella-Gesang in so einige Herzen der Nation gesungen. Nutzen Sie diesen Vorteil aus und singen Sie sich mit diesem Geburtstagslied i...
Wise Guys – Hamlet (Album Klassenfahrt) 10 Feb 2013 | 03:11 am
Songtext: Hamlet ist zum Studium in Wittenberg, da vollzieht sein Onkel hier sein böses Teufelswerk: Vergiftet Hamlets Vater — böse, aber schlau — und nimmt sich Hamlets Mutter, die Königin, zur Frau....
The Wise Guy Way 19 Mar 2013 | 06:42 pm
Sport is everything for you if you like it. Your life will not full without sport activity. Yeah! Sport is something very interesting and challenging. All about sport is very exciting even if you just...