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调试代码死循环了 17 Aug 2013 | 04:39 pm
就在刚才,调试一段代码时,无脑的进入了死循环。一直往log文件里写,分分钟竟然到1G大小。 解决办法: ps -ef|grep logname.log 没有结果,因为是某个php文件在操作这个log 然后 losf |grep logname 得到进程号 kill掉即可。 如果找不到losf命令 [root@ multilog]# lsof bash: ...
恢复rm命令删除的文件 11 Jul 2013 | 05:04 pm
下厨房数据丢失的评论里一条有用的评论,使用文件描述符来恢复被rm删除的文件。 [via] CPyUG 的缅怀…. Re: [CPyUG] [OT]python写的 下厨房 被黑了。 … 2013年7月6日下午7:10,金浩 写道: > 可以说说如果 rm -rf > 了一个文件,但是还有进程占有这个文件句柄的情况下,怎么恢复刚刚被删除的文件吗?有没有参考资料?我想在当时这种情况下,如果...
More wiz knowledge related news:
Test your knowledge of world geography with Google maps game 22 Mar 2011 | 08:12 pm
Google maps offers a fun feature called “Where in the world” game which lets you test your knowledge of world geography by challenging you to...
A Sensual candle massage - The Candle Ritual 8 Sep 2011 | 05:38 am
Legend has it that the Thai massage was invented by Buddha´s personal physician, Dr. Jivaka Komarabhacca, who used his knowledge of the Indian ´Ayurveda´ healing procedure and traditional Chinese medi...
iNudge: new cool stuff from flash wiz andré michelle #andrémichelle 29 Sep 2009 | 03:51 am
iNudge: new cool stuff from flash wiz andré michelle #andrémichelle
Tip #42. Knowledge Is Power! 1 Dec 2007 | 08:11 am
Amazon just announced and started selling new device – Amazon Kindle - revolutionary portable reader that wirelessly downloads books, newspapers, magazines and blogs to a crisp, high-resolution electr...
Get paid for completing freelance jobs on the Internet 28 May 2012 | 06:37 pm
If you want to profit from your specialist knowledge or you can write academic articles, software, you can sign up for freelance jobs. The best thing about this is that you do not have to do much busi...
Promising Career as Vascular Technician 28 Mar 2011 | 08:49 pm
To have good career and income is what people always want. Unfortunately you need more than just a degree. Skills and full of knowledge is necessary. There are more than a million people who are ready...
Winner of the 6th Annual International Photoshare Photo Contest 19 Mar 2010 | 01:51 pm
See the slideshow of the 2009 Photoshare Contest Winners , brought to you by Knowledge for Health (K4Health) at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Center for Communication Programs (CCP),...
Mind the Gap: Building a Bridge Between HIV Knowledge and Protective Behaviors in Malawi 19 Jun 2009 | 10:17 am
The "BRIDGE" project uses a multi-faceted, multi-media approach to increase HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention to the at risk population in Malawi.
Mind the Gap: Building a Bridge Between HIV Knowledge and Protective Behaviors in Malawi 19 Jun 2009 | 10:03 am
Deck: In 2003, more than 80% of adults in Malawi could cite how to protect themselves from HIV. But with 90,000 new infections each year and a prevalence rate hovering at 14%, this knowledge was not t...
Goodbye, Hello! 18 Oct 2009 | 07:32 am
Hey ya! You guess it, I mean it! Yup, I’m waving goodbye to this good old blog. But don’t worry I’m not waving goodbye to blogging. My desire to share info and knowledge is deeper... [[ This is a con...