Most wizz related news are at:

Bilety lotnicze Wrocław Oslo. 59 PLN 12 Aug 2013 | 06:27 pm
Wylot z Wrocław. Linia lotnicza Wizzair. Wylot od 2013-06-03 do 2013-12-31. Bilety lotnicze w sprzedaży do 2013-09-13.
Bilety lotnicze Warszawa Oslo. 79 PLN 12 Aug 2013 | 06:27 pm
Wylot z Warszawa. Linia lotnicza Wizzair. Wylot od 2013-06-03 do 2013-12-31. Bilety lotnicze w sprzedaży do 2013-09-13.
More wizz related news:
Wizz RSS maxVersion bumped to 6.0.* 18 Aug 2011 | 11:20 pm
For those who have upgraded to Firefox 6.0, I have bumped maxVersion, in Wizz RSS, to 6.0.n, and it seems to work. I haven’t done any comprehensive testing, but I’m using it myself and I haven...
Wizz RSS maxVersion bumped to 5.0.* 22 Jun 2011 | 06:36 am
If you are one of those who desperately wants (or needs) Wizz RSS to work on Firefox 5.0, please just reinstall, and it should work. WARNING: I have done very superficial testing of o...
Wizz RSS 19 Jun 2011 | 12:31 am
There were quite a few bugs in Wizz RSS, which I’ve been meaning to fix for ages. Well, I finally got around to fixing them. I hope I’ve fixed all of them. If not, please let me know which one...
Wizz RSS is now on Twitter 2 May 2011 | 06:21 pm
For those who are interested, Wizz RSS is now on Twitter – Twitter might be a better mechanism for reporting bugs, and keeping up to date with various happenings.
Wizz RSS for Firefox 4.0.n is available 8 Jan 2011 | 10:13 pm
Thank you to those (very few) people who took the time to beta test Wizz RSS The issues that were reported have been fixed, and the bug with the scroll bar in the item pane (A Firefox bug – h...
Incompatibility with Tab Mix Plus 10 Sep 2010 | 09:52 am
Thanks to Eric, who today made me aware of a problem when using Wizz RSS and Tab Mix Plus – If you are one o...
Wizz RSS 4.0 beta maxVersion bumped to 4.0b5 9 Sep 2010 | 03:58 am
For those of you who are using beta versions of Firefox 4, I have just put a version of Wizz RSS online that will install on 4.0b5. The scroll bar weirdness persists, but the latest news on Bugzilla ...
Garden Playground Set 2 Jan 2012 | 02:01 am
This ‘Garden Playground Set’ the sylvanian children can climb the playground set and then they can simply wizz down slide and swing as high as the trees on the built in swing. When the sylvanian ch...
Wizz Air aviobiļešu akcija -20% 16 May 2012 | 11:45 pm
Wizz Air aviobiļešu akcija šodien Wizz Air šodien, par godu aviokompānijas jubilejai, piedāvā aviobiļetes ar divdesmit procentu atlaidi. Lai pirktu Wizz Air aviobiļetes, jums jādodās uz, u...
Wizz Air aviobiļetes uz Eindhovenu 78 Ls 5 Mar 2012 | 01:43 pm
Wizz Air aviobiļetes uz Eindhovenu Wizz Air aviobiļetes uz Eindhovenu, Nīderlandi, aprīļa vidū pieejamas par cenu sākot no Ls 78 turp-atpakaļ lidojumiem uz Eindhovenu. Konkrētā cena pieejama aviobiļet...