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WordPress で Ajax:コメント取得編 26 Oct 2011 | 08:02 pm
ご要望により、コメントの表示形式を以下の 3タイプご用意いたしました。 コメント全部表示 始めから指定件数分表示 2. の残りを表示 コメント表示の仕組みは TwentyEleven に倣います single.php に と書く。 テーマに comments.php を用意しておく。 comments.php 内に のように書いて、各コメントの表示はコールバック関数にお任せする。...
Load WordPress in AJAX Environment 22 Jun 2011 | 01:57 am
If you’re developing a plugin or theme and make use of AJAX functionality, or want to load some WordPress details in a non-Wordpress external environment, chances are you’ll be calling a PHP file that...
Modificare l’intervallo dell’AutoSalvataggio in WordPress 3 May 2011 | 08:58 am
Quando si scrive un post, WordPress usa Ajax per salvare in automatico varie versioni (revisioni) dell’articolo che si sta scrivendo. Questa funzione è stata adottata per prevenire la perdita acciden...
Ultimate – CSS3 & HTML5 WordPress 22 Nov 2012 | 07:14 pm
Ultimate – CSS3 & HTML5 WordPress – Working Ajax contact form with inline validation, Heavily Customized Photoswipe Gallery and flexslider. Many Gallery page templates. 5 Different Post Formats, 6 Dif...
Ultimate – CSS3 & HTML5 WordPress 22 Nov 2012 | 07:14 pm
Ultimate – CSS3 & HTML5 WordPress – Working Ajax contact form with inline validation, Heavily Customized Photoswipe Gallery and flexslider. Many Gallery page templates. 5 Different Post Formats, 6 Dif...
Wordpress 添加 ajax 功能 18 Jan 2013 | 10:05 am
Symetris conference at WordCamp Montreal 2013 [Slides now available] 5 Jun 2013 | 02:48 am
4 Jun UPDATE: Slides now available on Slideshare! Mieux Filtrer vos listes dans WordPress avec AJAX Here's a photo of the conference: /////////////// Symetris will be presenting a conference at Wo...
Casual WordPress Tema 15 Aug 2013 | 04:10 pm
Etiketler: casual wordpress themes, ajax yorum, sağ sidebar, 2 sütun
Portfolio için wordpress Tema 25 Oct 2010 | 12:31 am
Oldukça güzel bir portfolio teması ajax teknolojisi kullanılmış, Sadece kullanışlı ve tasarımı oldukça güzel bir tema bedava olarak dağıtılan temanın demosu için buradan - indirmek için buradan… Alal...
PHP Verzeichnis Übergabe prüfen 26 Feb 2012 | 12:18 am
Ich muss in meinem Plugin für WordPress den ABSPATH übergeben um eine eigene Ajax Behandlung zu haben. Was meint ihr ist der Code schnipsel dafür geeignet um es möglicht sicher gegen Angriffe zu mach...