Most wordpress bio box related news are at:

ANÚNCIO! 3 Feb 2011 | 01:08 pm
Olá queridos leitores do Big Bang Shin Ki, vim aqui para vos avisar que a partir de segunda (07/02/2011) o domínio do blog vai mudar para Por favor continuem nos visitando, vo...
Go Kpop! õ/ 27 Sep 2010 | 10:46 am
A cada dia que passa os fãs brasileiro de kpop estão conquistando cada vez mais um espaço para seus ídolos em nossa mídia, em diversos aspectos como no twitter e em sites de letras. Venho através dest...
More wordpress bio box related news:
Die neue Ethanol - Brennkammer nach DIN 4734 - Die Bio-Box 3.0 20 Aug 2008 | 10:11 pm
Decofire bietet Ihnen eines der größten Sortimente an Brennkammer-Systemen für den Selbstbau oder die Umrüstung auf sauberes Feuer in Deutschland. Dabei vetrauen wir nahezu bei allen Produkten auf ein...
Adding a WordPress Meta Box 2 Sep 2011 | 09:34 am
I was working on a WordPress theme for a client and they asked if they could have the ability to override the post or page title for each post. As you know, by default, the post title is used for eac...
Box Tube - Professional Wordpress Theme 16 Oct 2009 | 01:43 pm
Title: Box Tube Wordpress Template Author: Dezzain(dot)Com Category: Wordpress Template Tags Cloud: professional wordpress template, wordpress template, Box Tube, wordpress premium template, free ...
Add a Free Wordpress Chat Box to Your Blog in 60 Seconds! 23 Jul 2008 | 08:54 am
Here’s the easiest way to add a free chat box to your Wordpress blog. If we’re fast, we can do it in 60 seconds or less! We’ll use Chatroll live chat, so you don’t even need to install any plugins. Th...
WordPress Greet Box Plugin Download 7 Oct 2012 | 03:43 am
WordPress Greet Box Plugin Download WordPress Greet Box Plugin is one of the most important plugins you should have on your website. WordPress Greet Box Plugin makes a very effective visitor interacti...
Bloggers are increasing day by day with new blog concepts. To show the content owner detail their is no widget provided by blogger so here is the proper method how you can attach Author/ Admin Bio Box...
How do I remove the WordPress comments box from pages? 17 Jun 2013 | 05:08 pm
We enjoy teaching WordPress and are happy to answer your WordPress questions. We recently received this from a client, “My friend is muddling through setting up a wp site and is asking how to take the...
Top18 “Author Bio Boxes” WordPress Plugins for your Website 7 Sep 2012 | 04:47 pm
“Author Bio Boxes” WordPress Plugins is a very Cute plugin for Your Wesbite.Bcoz there are multiple authors hold one blog.So below, we have compiled the best of the author bio boxes/plugins that you c...
WordPress Meta Box Roundup 7 Jul 2013 | 02:10 am
Meta boxes are used in the WordPress admin area to capture information pertaining to the post or page (or custom post type) you are editing. The cool part about these meta boxes is that you can add yo...
5 Best Author Box Plugins in WordPress 23 Jul 2013 | 07:40 pm
Author box plugins for WordPress are a pre-requisite for any serious blogger who wants to credit himself to his articles. Also, author boxes are imperative to use in case you run a multi-author site. ...