Most wordpress code highlighter related news are at:

C coroutines: no assembly (bad pun) required 21 Aug 2013 | 06:53 am
I was reading Yossi Kreinin's quick'n fun way to implement coroutines in C and, as an embedded development architect, was a bit saddened by the -- necessary -- use of assembly code to manage a separat...
Memonic extension patched for Google Chrome 28 Apr 2013 | 12:32 pm
The symptom is pretty simple: you click the 'Memonic' extension icon and nothing happens. This patch aims to fix this behavior. A bit more than three years ago, I published here a patched version of ...
More wordpress code highlighter related news:
Creating a WordPress-Alike Hook For Your Own CMS 16 Dec 2011 | 05:48 am
Hooks ilustration, image courtesy of Probably you have known this, WordPress code is pretty good, especially when compared with other CMS or what we ever found on PHP tutor...
Código fuente coloreado en OpenOffice Writer 17 Aug 2010 | 04:36 pm
En algunas oportunidades tenemos la necesidad de incluir en nuestros documentos código fuente coloreado para facilitar su entendimiento, lo que en inglés llaman “code highlighting”. Si nuestro docume...
Wp Custom Adsense Plugin - Wordpress Code 25 Jan 2012 | 02:53 pm
=== Custom Adsense Plugin ===Author: Umakant PatilContributors: Ravi PennaTags: Ad-senseRequires at least: 2.9Tested up to: 3.0Stable tag: trunk The plugin shows Ads on the blog's pages. The Ad is sho...
WP-Snippets Gets an Upgrade 17 Jan 2012 | 08:55 pm
Since its launch well over a year ago, WP-Snippets has quickly grown into the most popular one-stop-shop for useful WordPress code snippets. WP-Snippets has finally received a major upgrade, making it...
WordPress code hinting for Dreamweaver 24 May 2012 | 05:18 am
You can get WordPress specific code completions in Dreamweaver.
Validate HTML of a WordPress Post Upon Publishing 10 Sep 2011 | 05:02 am
Here's a little snippet of WordPress code that will allow you to easily validate each new WordPress post that you publish or update. Continue reading →
Dropdown Menu version 4 22 Nov 2010 | 05:52 pm
Since WordPress now offers a much better user interface for managing menus, I changed my plugin to suit and removed much of the unnecessary code, utilising the WordPress code instead. This made it sig...
Bookmarks for März 30th through Mai 11th 11 May 2012 | 09:06 pm
Aktuell bei delicious gespeichert: QueryPosts – better WordPress code reference – How to: Get the first image from the post and display it – WordPress Theme Generator – NHP Theme Options Framework...
12 Useful WordPress Coding Snippets And Hacks 19 Oct 2011 | 11:11 pm
Nice list of WordPress hacks! I really like the filter function which makes it possible [...] Related posts: How-to restore email messages from Uebimiau or T-dah webmail I have a few servers where Di...
WordPress Coding Techniques 27 Oct 2009 | 11:55 am
Since last year, the WordPress themes market has grown incredibly. The reason? Great designs, of course, but also a lot of amazing new functionality. Top WordPress developers are always looking to get...