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More wordpress compact javascript related news:
Compact RSS Subscribe Widget For Blogger And WordPress 30 May 2012 | 07:01 am
Compact RSS Subscribe Widget for those who use Blogger and WordPress. Today i am going to give you an mashable style widget, in this widget there are five features i.e G+ profile, Facebook Page, Googl...
Fixing compromised JavaScript files in Wordpress installations 21 May 2010 | 05:34 pm
JavaScript is nice when it isn't hacked {} What happens if JavaScript files on a website are hacked? The website still functions, but lacks the desired functionality, that’s what. Now,...
升級到 WordPress 1.6-ALPHA-do-not-use r2753 7 Aug 2005 | 03:46 am
把 WordPress 升級完以後 Javascript 的部分爛掉了,只好自己輸入 HTML 的部分 =_= Update:修正了,r2748 的問題,在 [2748] (changeset) trunk/wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php 可以發現問題是在 javascript 取不到 edCanvas,於是我就寫了信把 quick fix 也附上了:r2748 ...
How To Add Twitter In WordPress Using A Simple PHP Function 19 Mar 2010 | 03:03 am
In my previous post I had outlined a solution to display your latest Twitter Posts in WordPress using JavaScript, I have worked out a PHP function that you can use to show everyone your latest Twitter...
[Vite vu] 58 liens sur inspiration, WordPress, typographie, javascript, … 25 Oct 2009 | 02:18 am
Voici encore une semaine riche en découvertes avec pas moins de 58 liens. Bonne découverte. Inspiration et Design Showcase Of Professional Looking Website Designs Sélection de sites au design profes...
WordPress und Javascript 16 Jun 2012 | 12:35 am
In der letzten Zeit durfte ich mich etwas intensiver mit WordPress beschäftigen und bin dabei einer Lösung eines alten Problems auf die Spur gekommen. Seit Anbeginn hat mich WordPress hier genervt, we...
Using Javascript with WordPress correctly 19 Feb 2013 | 07:27 pm
JavaScript is something that is used on 99% on websites. In the last few years it seems to have exploded and become part of the fundamental toolkit for all web developers. I see it all the time in bot...
WordPress 3.5.1 มีอะไรใหม่ 23 Feb 2013 | 11:58 am
24 มกราคม 2013 WordPress ปล่อยตัวอัพเดท กันอีกแล้วครับพี่น้อง คราวนี้ก็ไม่มีอะไรมากครับ คร่าวๆ คือ ปรับปรุ่งเรื่องความปลอดภัย และเรื่องการทำงานผ่านหน้า Admin ของ JavaScript ซึ่งบางทีไม่ยอมทำงาน รายละเ...
WordPress: add javascript event after widget save 10 May 2013 | 11:22 am
I’m writing a widget that uses color picker, whenever widget save the color picker will went missing. if i can add an event after the widget saved, then this problem can be solved easily. This... Cli...
Montagem e WordPress para a Full Brasil 6 Dec 2012 | 09:43 pm
CLIENTE – full Brasil PROJETO – Montagem em webstandard, WordPress e Javascript. CLIENTE –