Most wordpress flush rewrite rules related news are at:

Shifting the WordPress Mindset 5 Oct 2012 | 02:39 pm
I presented at WordCamp Cape Town 2012 yesterday on the topic of “Shifting the WordPress Mindset”. The objective of the presentation was to take a retrospective look at WordPress’ history and evolutio...
A note to The Parlotones, as they jet off to America 18 Sep 2012 | 10:59 pm
Earlier today, Rolling Stone South Africa published an article reporting that South African rock band, The Parlotones (or, as Gareth Cliff calls them, The Par-lot-ones), are moving to Los Angeles, Cal...
More wordpress flush rewrite rules related news:
WordPress category rewrite rule 6 Apr 2013 | 08:28 am
If you’re like me and use methods such as page-of-posts templates to group posts into pages, you’ll notice that you end up with a URL with the category name in it, such as
WordPress category rewrite rule 9 Apr 2013 | 07:57 am
If you’re like me and use methods such as page-of-posts templates to group posts into pages, you’ll notice that you end up with a URL with the category name in it, such as
lighttpd rewrite rule for bbpress 29 Apr 2012 | 10:46 am
Here is the rewrite rule i found that works with BBPress in wordpress its borrowed from the user shoggy at but with that URL being nearly i...
New Plugin: Rewrite Rules Inspector 10 May 2012 | 09:48 am
Rewrite Rules Inspector is a simple development tool for viewing all of the rewrite rules registered with your site. It’s been available for VIPs hosted on for a while — today it’s avail...
Best WordPress hacks 19 Jul 2010 | 07:28 am
A list of WordPress resources and hacks picked from my bookmarks. Enjoy! Widgets Digging into WordPress – Declare Multiple Widgetized Areas Rewrite rules – Flush rules on activate pl...
Set a custom rewrite rule for author archives in WordPress 3 Sep 2012 | 06:03 pm
In the comments of my post on custom rewrite rules in WordPress, I received a query regarding creating author profile URLs using a rewrite convention of “/profile“. The WordPress author archives are a...
Are you having CakePHP and NGINX Rewrite Rule Issues? 10 Sep 2012 | 05:55 pm
In a recent blog post – It’s LEMP Not LAMP – I discussed about making the switch to using NGINX (pronounced Engine-X). I had little-to-no issues getting by basic WordPress blogs up and running. Howe...
Set a custom rewrite rule for author archives in WordPress 3 Sep 2012 | 06:03 pm
In the comments of my post on custom rewrite rules in WordPress, I received a query regarding creating author profile URLs using a rewrite convention of “/profile“. The WordPress author archives are a...
Forcing a 404 error in WordPress 7 Jan 2013 | 07:08 pm
When the rewrite rules are enabled, if WordPress fails to find a exact match from a queried URL, then it will try to find the closest match, and then perform a 301 redirect to there. If you want to di...
WordPress 3.5.1 安全與維護版本釋出 25 Jan 2013 | 09:41 am
WordPress 3.5.1 正體中文版本現在可供下載。3.5.1 版本是釋出 3.5 後的第一個安全與維護版本,修正 37 個問題。可參考臭蟲列表與修改日誌取得詳情,包括: 編輯器:防止稀有情況下無預警地移除或修改某些 HTML 標籤。 媒體:修正媒體管理器內的一組小工作流程與相容性問題。 網誌網路:當新增一個網誌網路時建議適當的改寫規則(rewrite rule)。 防止已排程文章發佈時被移...