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I need to discuss the particular nike free, it really is claimed could be the authentic set of two Air flow Potential ONE PARTICULAR may be about the Air Utmost training colleges being a personal regr...
More wordpress forums related news:
Adding a seach bar to your WordPress blog without using a widget 2 Dec 2011 | 02:00 pm
Sometimes you want to add a search bar but not as any widget. I found this on the WordPress Forum. I used it, it worked like a charm. Thought I’d pass it along. Put this in the php file where you wa...
Top 5 WordPress Forum Plugins to Choose and Install 6 May 2012 | 08:00 am
Plugins, the awesome add-on that makes WordPress a powerful CMS and the best blogging platform. Today, I will be sharing top 5 Forum Plugins (free) for WordPress which you can use it to add extra func...
The Ultimate bbPress 2.0 Theming Guide [video] 5 Feb 2012 | 03:35 pm
In this screencast I demonstrate how to theme the WordPress forum software "bbPress" to suit your custom theme. This tutorial will get you well on your way to customizing bbPress and implementing it s...
WordPress Forum 4 Dec 2010 | 07:58 pm
Terkadang ada saja persoalan yang kita hadapi saat nge-Blog pakai WP terdapat masalah dalam hal pengelolaan blog atau administrasi blog yang tidak terpecahkan, bahkan kita sudah cari sumber di blog pe...
Best Free WordPress Forum Plugins 10 Jun 2011 | 08:00 pm
The best way to add a forum to your WordPress site is by first defining exactly what you want from a forum and then by finding the forum that best fits your ‘functional specification’ second. I defini...
Time-dependent information in an Excel web page 21 Jan 2011 | 05:55 pm
In one of the WordPress forums there was a question about displaying the list of pharmacies that are on duty today, given a list of all the pharmacies in an area and when each of them is on duty. I’ve...
五个最棒的论坛插件 1 Jun 2010 | 02:10 am
论坛是一个更适合讨论的方案,而一个完整的内容管理系统(CMS)更少不了论坛的存在。 从2003年开始,能容易地为 WordPress 添加一个论坛的插件就陆续出现了。下面的文章介绍比较了比较流行的为 WordPress 添加论坛的插件。 阅读原文:5 Top WordPress Forum Plugins 留言讨论:1 本文链接
Linking Portfolio Items to Pages 1 Jun 2012 | 01:00 am
A user on the WordPress forums recently asked when using my portfolio plugin, how could we set up the plugin to link to a portfolio item’s specific page as opposed to a larger version of the featured ...
WordPress Forum Teması 15 Jun 2012 | 07:37 pm
WordPress ile ilgili paylaşımda bulunan, hazırladığı forum temasını kullanıma sunmuş. Tema tamamen WordPress altyapısı ve birkaç eklenti ile sistemin çekirdek kodlarında düzenleme yapmada...
WordPress Forum Teması Ücretsiz İndir – WordPress KeppyFinal 18 Jul 2012 | 04:56 pm
Merhaba arkadaşlar bugün sizlere çok mükemmel bir forum temasını paylaşacağım.Adı WordPress Keppy Final.Adındanda anlaşıldığı gibi final bir tema bence mükemmel bir tema sizlere göre nasıldır bilemem ...