Most wordpress ftp backup related news are at:
WordCamp Edinburgh UK 2012 20 Jul 2012 | 04:44 pm
WordCamp Edinburgh UK 2012 took place this last weekend. And what a weekend it was! WordCamp UK rocked because of the attendees… In addition to wonderful support from our local Scottish WordPress comm...
WordCamp Edinburgh UK 2012 20 Jul 2012 | 04:44 pm
WordCamp Edinburgh UK 2012 took place this last weekend. And what a weekend it was! WordCamp UK rocked because of the attendees… In addition to wonderful support from our local Scottish WordPress co...
More wordpress ftp backup related news:
Как создать резервную копию WordPress блога? 26 Jul 2011 | 09:54 pm
Сегодня хочу коротенько рассказать про очень полезный плагин, который не видно невооруженным глазом, но ценность его неоспорима и это факт. Называется он WordPress Database Backup и как не сложно до...
WordPress Backup: Avoid Disaster With This Easy WordPress Blog Backup Solution 5 May 2012 | 06:11 am
Picture this WordPress Backup Scenario Happening to You… You’ve just noticed in your WordPress admin panel that the latest version of WordPress is available for updating your blog with the latest sec...
How To Setup the WordPress Database Backup Plugin 1 Nov 2010 | 06:35 pm
This procedure will take you step by step through installing and configuring the WordPress Database Backup Plugin. This plugin allows you to schedule a regular database-only backup and it will email ...
How To: Backup your WordPress Website on a Schedule 25 Aug 2009 | 04:12 am
A common question among WordPress users is: “How can I backup my WordPress website?”. To do proper backups, we recommend a plugin called: WP-DB Backup The WordPress Database Backup Plugin can be con...
Backup mit curlftpfs und rsync 12 Apr 2012 | 07:56 pm
rsync kann leider kein Backup auf ein reines FTP Device erstellen. Allerdings gibt es noch “curlftpfs”, welches den FTP Backup Space als Laufwerk mountet. Dann mit rsync und man stösst schon wieder au...
4 Plugins Interesantes 6 Sep 2011 | 11:57 am
{lang: 'es-419'} Click here to view the embedded video. . . Los nombres de los Plugins que instalaremos son: TinyMCE Advanced, WP FB Like, WordPress Database Backup y WP Super Cache. Recuerda busc...
FTP Backup unter Linux Debian mit Reoback 15 Apr 2012 | 02:55 am
FTP Backup unter Linux Debian mit Reoback Ich habe heute einmal Reoback auf meinem Linux Debian Server installiert und bin soweit sehr zufriden damit. Mit Reoback kann man Ordner auf einen FTP-Server...
5 WordPress Blog Backup Tools We Love 4 May 2010 | 02:36 pm
How can you best minimize your feeling of pure panic if your blog goes down? The simplest thing to keep your sanity is perform regular backups of your WordPress install, content files, and database ta...
A note for WordPress database backup plugin 22 Feb 2010 | 12:23 am
If you are running WordPress and using the WordPress Database Backup plugin you should read this post. WP-DB-Backup allows you easily to backup your core WordPress database tables. You may also backu...
WordPress Database Backup The easiest way 29 Jun 2012 | 12:48 pm
Thank you on behalf of visiting to this blog. If you feel this blog forward positive, please subscribe to acquire in a row when in attendance is a fresh forward taking part in this blog. Merit and Reg...