Most wordpress import rss related news are at:

信仰在哪里? 14 Apr 2010 | 11:43 pm
老外总是说中国人没有信仰, 为什么? 想想六七十年代的中国和现在的朝鲜他们生活苦, 但是看起来很幸福. 当时他们都信仰什么? 信仰国家最大的那个开国功臣! 小时候我妈用毛泽东的画像来祭拜, 我妈说当年他死的时候她还哭. 这就是信仰! 随着我们祖国社会的进步, 在邓爷爷的改国开放政策下, 我们的生活水平得到了翻天腹地的变化, 但是我们现在觉得有钱才是幸福, 什么毒奶粉, 什么疫苗问题, 什么地沟油...
fave share 10 Jan 2010 | 06:41 pm
what’s fave? fave is a Nice website Of Terrific Pictures around the web, and share their favorite images found on the web with everyone. Sometimes, you are looking through pictures and one of them ca...
More wordpress import rss related news:
RSS to WordPress Poster is released! 2 Aug 2011 | 08:30 pm
Wordpress poster is now available for current RSS Ground members. With this new powerful tool you will be able to set look and feel of RSS content and gradually post it to your WordPress blogs. RSS ...
Compact RSS Subscribe Widget For Blogger And WordPress 30 May 2012 | 07:01 am
Compact RSS Subscribe Widget for those who use Blogger and WordPress. Today i am going to give you an mashable style widget, in this widget there are five features i.e G+ profile, Facebook Page, Googl...
Tumblr Blogs Can No Longer Import RSS Feeds 26 Jun 2011 | 10:03 am
Maybe this is more ammunition for people who think that RSS is dead. Since its early days, Tumblr has offered a useful import feed feature to help you bring content from other sites – like Flickr, Tw...
Neue Plugins und Themes 27 Jun 2010 | 05:01 am
Direkt werden neue Plugins und Themes nachgeschoben Plugins Blogger Importer RSS Importer Themes Spectrum 1.0.2 von Ignacio Ricci
Pascal Magnenat 15 Feb 2009 | 03:06 am
Mission: Migration d’un blog sous TypePad vers WordPress. Import du contenu (articles, commentaires, images) Utilisation et adaptation du thème K2. Outils utilisés: WordPress Date de réalisation: Cour...
Import RSS or Atom Blogs 22 Jun 2009 | 12:00 am
You can now import your blog posts from other services like,, etc.
Hoe je een RSS Feed via Google Feeds aanbied 21 May 2009 | 08:58 pm
Een Blog heeft altijd de mogelijkheid van een RSS Feed, met zo’n feed kunnen je bezoekers op de hoogte blijven van de laatste berichten die je gepost hebt, zonder dat ze naar de site toe...
WordPress 技巧:停用 RSS Feeds 功能 1 May 2011 | 10:13 pm
WordPress 本身就內建 RSS Feed 功能,不過 WordPress 的用途相當廣泛,幾乎什麼類型的網站都可以呈現。如果你想把 WordPress 打造為內容管理系統(CMS)、作為一個公司的網站或資訊頁面的話,那麼你可能不需要 RSS 功能,使用幾個簡單的小技巧可以停用內建的 RSS Feeds,並移除 <head> 標籤裡的 RSS 鏈結。 開啟你的佈景主題下 functions....
Mengatasi Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 2966535 bytes) 31 Oct 2010 | 08:21 am
Apakah Anda pernah mendapatkan error Allowed memory size of 8388608 bytes exhausted jika Anda mencoba untuk mengimpor blog sebelumnya ke dalam instalasi baru dari WordPress melalui RSS feed atau saat ...
SaBlog export WordPress eXtended RSS 17 Aug 2008 | 04:18 pm
经过不懈的努力终于出来了. 它能将你的文章、评论、分类和Tags全部导出为WordPress eXtended RSS格式. SaBlog转WordPress 必须将SaBlog升级为2.0版本; 下载并解压; 将文件”exportWPFormat.php“上传到你的SaBlog的根目录; 打开地址http://your-site/exportWPF...