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Bulk Plugin Installation 15 Jan 2013 | 06:40 pm
複数のプラグインを一括でインストールするプラグイン。 ダウンロード WordPress › Bulk Plugin Installation « WordPress Plugins 使い方 プラグイン有効化後、管理画面の [...]
Favoriten Plugin Installer 13 Dec 2012 | 08:53 pm
Der WordPress Favoriten Plugin Installer Über WordPress 3.5 wird ja derzeit ziemlich viel geschrieben. Eine große Abhandlung hierüber will ich gerne Euch und mir ersparen. Aber auf ein neues Feature ...
WordPress Multisite Plugins Management and Installation 8 Nov 2011 | 04:21 pm
We have learned how to set up WordPress multisite network, domain mapping in wp multisite and how to use thesis theme in WordPress multisite network sites. Now the important thing to do in wp multisit...
Latest Post from each Category plugin for WordPress 8 Jul 2009 | 11:09 am
This plugin displays a list of the latest post from each category of your WordPress installation. It can be added to a post or page, or used directly in a template file. In the plugin’s options page y...
Wp CB Membership Sites 28 May 2012 | 06:20 am
Wp CB Membership Sites Wp CB Membership Sites Can Be Promoted Without Signing Up Members. Upgraded Membership Includes WordPress CB Plugin Mult-install License. Wp CB Membership Sites Related Blogs Re...
Wp CB Membership Sites 23 May 2012 | 06:10 am
Wp CB Membership Sites Wp CB Membership Sites Can Be Promoted Without Signing Up Members. Upgraded Membership Includes WordPress CB Plugin Mult-install License. Wp CB Membership Sites
How to install W3 total cache plugin in wordpress Tutorials 21 May 2012 | 03:05 am
The most important and WordPress reliable plugin is W3 Total Cache plugin. It’s very need for all blog site. W3 total cache speeds your blog site and increase loading times up to 19 times. It can impr...
The Multisite Content Poster (WordPress Multiste Plugin) 25 Sep 2011 | 06:57 am
My Personal $892.21 per Day AdSense Passive Money Making Machine Imagine Making Money with AdSense Or Amazon WordPress Multisite Features Automatically converts any WordPress 3.0+ installation...
Comment installer une extension (plugin) dans WordPress 19 May 2012 | 10:25 am
Les Plugin ou Extensions permettent d’ajouter des fonctionnalités à WordPress Voici une video vous montrant comment installer simplement une extension dans WordPress
Top 5 WordPress Forum Plugins to Choose and Install 6 May 2012 | 08:00 am
Plugins, the awesome add-on that makes WordPress a powerful CMS and the best blogging platform. Today, I will be sharing top 5 Forum Plugins (free) for WordPress which you can use it to add extra func...