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Nginx Reverse Proxy Cache for WordPress and Apache 5 Oct 2010 | 03:48 am
WP-Performance I ran a simple test against Nginx v0.5.22 and Apache v2.2.8 using ab (Apache’s benchmarking tool). During the tests, I monitored the system with vmstat and top. The results indicate th...
Lighttpd vs Nginx (Apache Benchmark) 22 Mar 2009 | 07:25 am
Continuing previous post Lighttp vs Apache2 Now, i’ve done another test Lighttpd vs Nginx using Apache Benchmark Benchmark parameter ab -c 300 -n 1000 … . . . . . Nginx + spawn-fcgi 14:31:34...
WordPress的Rewrite机制分析 6 May 2009 | 09:35 pm
最近在研究WP的rewrite机制,搜到这篇不错的文章,把之前不明白的地方都一一解答了^^,放上来备用。 ================================================ 大家都知道,WordPress 可以通过 Apache 的 mod_rewrite 模块,使用 .htaccess 文件来重写URL,生成静态链接(或称永久链接),如 http://examp...
Nginx apache function normally uyarısını düzeltme 8 Jan 2013 | 04:13 pm
sunucunuzdaki sitelerin bir kısmı Apache function normally uyarısı alıyorsak muhtemelen sitenin httpd.conf dosyasında portu nginxin kullandığı port değildir, danginx scripti ile httpd.conf dosyamızda...
WordPress Nginx 25 Mar 2013 | 04:41 pm
WordPress-Nginx + Thawte SSL Setup 17 Apr 2013 | 06:55 pm
For GoDaddy Single-Domain and WildCard SSL Setup. Covers SSL Session cache for performance. Redirecting non-SSL traffic to SSL & test cases.
WordPress with Apache 2.4 and PHP 5.5. Plus, goodbye APC and MySQL 2 Aug 2013 | 07:04 am
I run my own Amazon EC2 Instance. Why? Because, I’m a geek who likes to own his own data. Furthermore, I don’t need any hand holding or restrictions on what plugins I can install. If something breaks?...
Shifting WordPress From Apache to nginx Web Server 24 Aug 2013 | 08:04 pm
Shifting Wordpress From Apache to nginx Web Server puts any level of user to the challenge of... [Continue Reading]
How to block TOR on Apache and Nginx 15 May 2012 | 08:56 pm
If you ever want to block TOR users from your accessing website completely or block them from accessing specific file(s) / location(s) only for any reasons you may have and you’re running Nginx or Apa...
WordPress Multisite Nginx 的伪静态(Rewrite)规则 28 Oct 2011 | 03:44 pm
WordPress是一个注重美学、易用性和网络标准的个人信息发布平台。WordPress 虽为免费的开源软件,但其价值是无法用金钱来衡量。使用WordPress可以搭建功能强大的网络信息发布平台,但更多...