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Remover El Salto Al Darle “Leer Más” En WordPress 18 May 2012 | 06:56 pm
Remover El Salto Al Darle “Leer Más” En WordPress En WordPress se utiliza mucho la función de agregar un salto que luego los usuarios ven como “Leer Más” que es normal sobretodo cuando se escriben ar...
How to Delete Existing WordPress Post Revisions 20 Feb 2010 | 09:01 am
To remove all existing post revisions entries from WordPress database Posts table, simply login to MySQL phpMyAdmin. Select the appropriate WordPress database, and then issue the following command: D...
Wordpress’te Revisions’ı (Yazı Sürümlerini) Kapatmak ve DB’yi temizlemek 26 Dec 2009 | 04:40 am
Wordpress 2.6 sürümüyle beraber WP’ye yazı sürümleri özelliğini ekledi. Bu özelliği kullanmayan onca Blogger var ve her yazı sürümü boş yere veritabanında yer kaplıyor. İşte bu özelliği kapatmak için ...
WordPress 3.3.1 Deployed 24 Jan 2012 | 08:03 pm
Our network is once again running the latest version of WordPress. The upgrade (knock on wood) was uneventful and painless as is per usual with WordPress. The revised Admin Toolbar and the new blue an...
WordPress: Remove all pending comments at once 25 Oct 2010 | 04:20 am
I think you will know this situation: You go to your WordPress admin panel and there are 100′s of pending spam comments. Now you can only send 20 comments at once to the trash. This will take you unne...
WordPress 烦人的 revision 和 auto-draft 6 Jul 2010 | 05:19 am
revision 是早就有了,auto-draft 是最近才发现的,个人非常不喜欢这2个功能,偏偏 WordPress 还没有在后台中增加显式的关闭功能,所以更显得烦人。 revision 是你每保存一次 post 的时候,都把修改前的内容存成一个 revision,这样你就不用担心以前的版本找不到了。问题是,写 blog 又不是写代码,用得着这把牛刀么?就是写代码,也有不想保存的版本,基本上扔...
Limit the number of stored revisions per post in WordPress 28 Apr 2012 | 02:52 pm
It’s been a while since WordPress implemented revisions for posts and pages. Being able to revert a post or page to a previous state is a useful feature. However, I recently realized that WP creates a...
WordPress remove Cron Jobs 7 Jul 2012 | 04:15 pm
Il plugin Cron GUI permette di vedere le schedulazioni impostate all’interno di wordpress, in questo modo è possibile conoscere i processi che vengono lanciati ad una determinata ora. Io l’ho utilizza...
WordPress: Remove all spam links of unapproved comments at once 12 Jul 2012 | 07:06 pm
I think you will know this situation: You go to your WordPress admin panel and there are 100′s of pending comments including spam links. Now you can manually remove every link from a comment that you ...
Where did /extend/ go from 23 May 2013 | 06:56 am
Did you notice WordPress removed /extend/ from URLs. The post Where did /extend/ go from appeared first on Extendd.