Most wordpress revision in html related news are at:

An end of books 15 Aug 2013 | 03:30 pm
“SINGLE TASKING is an anachronism. As soon as ebooks moved from the Kindle to the iPad, the magic of reading was threatened by the opportunity (‘for just a second’) to check on email, Words with Frien...
Software as a Grandmother’s Tale 4 Aug 2013 | 10:50 pm
“When writing a program, it is easy to get sidetracked into small details at every point. You come across some little issue, and you deal with it, and then proceed to the next little problem, and so o...
More wordpress revision in html related news:
PSD to Wordpress 5 Oct 2011 | 07:50 pm
PSD to HTML Conversion & Image Slicing: Convert PSD to HTML/XHTML & CSS Now! We offer PSD to Wordpress, PSD to Joomla and Image/PSD to Drupal ...
embracevirtues 5 May 2011 | 07:00 pm
embracevirtues tool: WordPress ,wp eCommerce, html,css, debug,
WordPress Revisions Feature 20 Nov 2010 | 12:14 pm
WordPress has a powerful built in revisions feature that allows you to roll back to an earlier version of a post or page. It lets you compare two revisions to see the differences between them and easi...
Video tutorial: How to create a template page for WordPress using Conversion 20 Dec 2010 | 11:35 pm
Hey everyone, In today’s tutorial I’ll show you how to create a template page for WordPress using the HTML files from Conversion. Watch: How to create a template page for WordPress using Conversion.
HTML5 Introduction 13 Sep 2011 | 10:45 pm
HTML5 is the next major revision to HTML. HTML5 had been designed to simplify coding through introducing a few additional semantics. The benefits of these additions are that they provide logical st...
Cssigniter: Wordpress Themes και static HTML 5/XHTML 17 Oct 2010 | 11:05 pm
Το προσφέρει themes για το γνωστό σε όλους μας Wordpress αλλά και static HTML 5/XHTML versions.
How to Disable, Limit and Delete Wordpress Revision 15 Oct 2010 | 12:00 pm
Wordpress is rich feature blog platform. But, not all its feature is nice (for me) especially WordPress Revisions feature. It just waste my DB space. The feature will saves a copy of your post or page...
LIST OF WORDPRESS MU SITES 30 Apr 2011 | 05:36 pm
Cool list of Wordpress MU sites. Thanks
CSS3 Buttons per Shortcode einbinden 23 Jan 2011 | 11:07 am
Eben fertig gestellt… CSS3 Buttons in Farbe ohne Grafik einfach per Shortcode in den WordPress Editor (im HTML Modus sogar mit Quicktags) einbinden. Button ButtonButtonButton Button Button ButtonBut...
קוד-ארט מרימה קורס תכנות וורדפרס 8 Jul 2010 | 09:25 pm
קוד-ארט מרימה קורס ראשון מסוגו בארץ למפתחי וורדפרס (WordPress). הקורס נועד ללמד תכנות תבניות וורדפרס ויכסה את גרסאות 2.5 ומעלה. דרישות קדם לקורס: HTML 3 ומעלה (עדיף 4) CSS 2 ומעלה PHP ברמה סבירה ...