Most wordpress robots.txt sitemap related news are at: – Социальная сеть сеошников, вебмастеров, блогеров

Saints Row 4 первые моды 27 Aug 2013 | 05:16 pm

Друзья, уже появились первые моды для Saints Row 4. Многие игроки уже прошли оригинальную сюжетную линию и теперь хотят поразвлекаться в игровом мире, создавая там беспорядки. Но уже сейчас можно скач...

Чехол для iPad 2 iPad 3 стиль Луи Витон бело-серый 26 Aug 2013 | 06:12 pm

Кожаный чехол для iPad 2/iPad 3 стиль Луи Витон бело-серый. Складывается подставкой для удобного использования планшета. Кожаный чехол для iPad 2/iPad 3 стиль Луи Витон бело-серый. Складывается подст...

More wordpress robots.txt sitemap related news:

On Page SEO 24 Jan 2012 | 07:04 am

Original and Attractive Title Attractive Description H1 / H2 tags Image Alt Tags Content Fixing SEO Copywriting Robots.txt Sitemap.xml Static Sitemap Breadcrumb xhtml/w3c Validation Browser...

WordPress Robots.txt Files Explained 5 Dec 2010 | 06:12 pm

Here are some important ideas about what a robots.txt file is, why you want one and what to expect. Why a Robots.txt File? The web is built on standards, often called protocols.  These “rules” allow...

Robots.txt til wordpress 22 Jun 2011 | 01:43 pm

Robots.txt til wordpress Som udgangspunkt kan søgemaskiner ikke lide “søgninger i søgninger” og med dette mener jeg at søgemaskiner ønsker ikke at vise en hjemmesides søgeresultater. De ønsker kun br...

Создаем robots.txt и sitemap.xml для WordPress 6 Apr 2009 | 10:29 pm

В этой статье, я расскажу вам о несложном способе отключить ненужные для индексации Поисковыми Система ми директории вашего блога на Wordpress. # BEGIN XML-SITEMAP-PLUGIN - Плагин который генерирует ...

Controlling Web crawlers (search engine spiders) with robots.txt and meta tags 25 Jan 2008 | 12:00 am

How to instruct Web crawlers (search engine spiders) what to do when they visit your site. You can specify that some parts of your site should be private and non-searchable. You can control how Web cr...

robots.txt vs sitemap.xml - Who will Win? 18 Jun 2009 | 12:00 am

On-page SEO is largely about getting search engines to visit your site so that they can index it nicely. But it's also about stopping them from indexing things you don't want indexed. So today when I...

What is robots.txt 18 Mar 2011 | 06:25 pm

A file on a web site in the root directory of a website that is used to control which spiders have access to which pages within a website. When a spider or robot connects to a website, it checks for t...

Understanding Robots.txt and Meta Name=”Robots” 7 Apr 2012 | 03:35 pm

When working with clients on a daily basis, it is clear that there is still a misunderstanding of what a “robots.txt” file is used for and what meta name=”robots” is and does. Therefore, I thought why...

What is Robots.txt 4 Oct 2011 | 07:44 pm

Robots.txt It is great when search engines frequently visit your site and index your content but often there are cases when indexing parts of your online content is not what you want. For instance, i...

robots.txt für WordPress 10 Oct 2011 | 07:17 am

Die robots.txt enthält Anweisungen für Robots(Webcrawler) von Suchmachinen. Mit ihr kann man diesen Robots mitteilen, welche Verzeichnisse sie durchsuchen bzw. nicht durchsuchen dürfen. Diese Datei mu...

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