Most wordpress simple fields related news are at:

New thingie: JavaScript widget to show WordPress Plugin info 25 Aug 2013 | 12:06 am
Recently I stumbled upon a very nice GitHub jQuery widget. I liked the GitHub widget so much that I decided to create my own widget, to show WordPress Plugin info. It’s called jQuery WordPress Plugin ...
Iphone & Ipad-appen för Text TV finns nu på GitHub 10 May 2013 | 12:59 pm
Javisst, Text TV-appen från finns nu på GitHub: Detta innebär att ni text-tv-fans därute själva kan bidra med kod och buggrapporter och ändringsförslag. Något du ...
More wordpress simple fields related news:
WordPress Simple Auto Delay Popup Plugin 20 Jul 2011 | 06:23 am
Simple Auto Delay Popup is a lightweight WordPress plugin for easily creating modal popup windows that automatically display after a certain amount of time, defined by you. Popup content can be the c...
Adding an Image to the Featured Post 19 Dec 2007 | 06:14 am
It’s easy to add an image to your featured posts using a WordPress Custom Field! The recommended size for a “featured post image” is 200 x 150 (pixels). When you write a new post (or edit an existing ...
Creating Custom Fields for Attachments in WordPress 8 Sep 2011 | 05:38 am
Custom fields in WordPress make it easy to customize your theme in a variety of ways; plus, they are simple to implement for posts and pages. Attachments, on the other hand, take a bit more work to im...
WordPress Simple 301 Redirects Plugin – How to Forward Pages Permanently 6 Feb 2012 | 12:28 pm
Moving a post or page to a different address can kill any inbound links from other pages or social media networks. If you are technically experienced you’ll know that you want to go into your hosting ...
Free WordPress Blogs 17 May 2009 | 10:30 am
We have just launched our free WordPress Simple signup and start blogging for our Customers and the public. No need to have hosting and no need to purchase anything. How does it work? Very Easy. There...
Wordpress blog hosting – What you get? 21 Sep 2009 | 05:26 am
Features:, running on latest version of Wordpress Simple administration interface & WYSIWYG editor Fully customizable free blog look, many pre-installed templates Multiple au...
How To Use WordPress Custom Fields 19 Oct 2011 | 11:40 am
Sometimes the basics just aren't enough, and you find yourself wishing you could give your posts more than a title, a category and some tags. What about all of the other great ideas you have to share?...
WordPress Custom Fields in Comments 12 Jul 2011 | 01:25 pm
I’ve been tinkering with how to add custom fields to my wordpress comments. It turns out the documentation is sort of sparse in regards to doing so, but a few helpful posts, and some digging inside of...
【WordPress】プラグイン-More Fields 9 Nov 2010 | 07:26 pm
More Fields - WordPress [WordPress]More Fields - ・日本語化ファイル More Fieldsの使い方 - wordpressを極メル Heaven カスタムフィールドを『ボックス』というグループとして纏めて扱います。『Detail』と『more-fields』のボックスが有ります。 『Add new input b...
Wordpress: Simple Captcha 1.5.1b 11 Jun 2011 | 03:39 am
Simple Captcha, Wordpress yorum eklentinizin daha güvenli ve doğru kullanımı için geliştirilmiş, güvenlik sorgusuyla otomatik yorumlardan korunmanızı amaç edinmiş, kurulumu basit, kullanımı şahane bir...